Back when I first played Suikoden V I was so blown away that I didn't think I'd be able to enjoy the rest of the series again. In fact, while it wasn't a perfect game by any means, it was so perfectly suited to my own personal tastes that I've had trouble enjoying most RPGs since. That fall I tried getting into some more RPGs with varying results...the only one I really liked was Baten Kaitos II, but I don't see myself actually replaying that one. Aside from that, I played (and enjoyed) most of Persona 3, but my motivation wore thin before getting the good ending, and I haven't gotten back to it since.
So it's a little surprising that I'm enjoying II as much as I am...I loved it years ago, but I didn't think the present me would enjoy it very much. But it's a pretty solid, fun game, and it even does some things far better than V.
For one, it's better at getting the player involved right away, whereas with V you have to go through several hours of buildup before the plot really takes off. Though at the same time you kinda have to deal with a lot of filler in between the good stuff. It's like a 50/50 ratio of "meaningful plot development" and "let's wipe up oil and fight vampires and go through fetch quests to get city passes!". But when the plot *does* move, it certainly feels more concise and "straight to the point" than SV.
also the translation is not nearly as bad as I remember. In fact, I dare say there's potentially a good script under all the errors and weird abuses of ellipses and exclamation marks. According to
Wikipedia, the game was translated by the same guy who did the first Metal Gear Solid (and a host of other games w/good translations). In an
interview linked on the wiki page, he goes into a bit of detail concerning the conditions he worked under during localization. If it's true, then SII's shit localization was likely more the fault of apathetic higher-ups than inept translators.
Anyway, time will tell whether I have the will to finish the game again or if it'll be put to the side like almost any other RPG I've played in the past two years. But I've at least enjoyed the past five or so hours, which is a good sign.