More Buffyverse in Wonderland (Willow, Buffy, The White Rabbit & the Jabberwocky)

Jun 05, 2015 01:08

kikimay and snogged both celebrated birthdays recently, as have angearia, teragramm, leni_ba (far and away my favorite Bangel(us) author), pocochina, frelling_tralk, comlodge, chic_c, boot_the_grime and quinara and what have I done for any of these wonderful folks? Nothing, nada. I suck as a friend (but if only people would stop being born, please, it's so overwhelming.  ;-P)

This really doesn't make up for any of it, but kikimay has been  ( Read more... )

actor: sarah michelle gellar, setting: s5, fandom: btvs, art gallery, icon(ic) thinky thoughts, actor: alyson hannigan, buffyverse in wonderland, char: willow rosenberg, form: banners/posters/wallpapers, char: buffy summers, setting: s1, form: icons

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Comments 39

velvetwhip June 5 2015, 05:20:23 UTC
You already know I love these, but I must sing their praises yet again. You've married the two unreal worlds with art and wit and unerring symmetry. Brava!



red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 05:36:53 UTC
You've married the two unreal worlds with art and wit and unerring symmetry.

Oh Gabrielle thank you! You've said many kind things to me but this comment is particularly special!


quinara June 5 2015, 07:03:26 UTC
Ooh, I do like Prophecy Buffy and the White Rabbit!

And you are too kind! Although I don't know if you intended to go back to March with these birthday wishes. I was so busy with house stuff I didn't really celebrate it anyway, so I'm touched even that you remembered it!


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 12:51:15 UTC
Well I looked at the birthday list in my inbox and you were the most recent one from "two months ago" and since you're a special person and all (and I couldn't recall if I'd said HB in private), I decided to add your name here. Really, the month doesn't matter anyway but I've proven time and again I'm a bit loose with dates.

I do like Prophecy Buffy and the White Rabbit!

Thank you hon!


quinara June 5 2015, 20:32:01 UTC
Well, I'm not going to complain! Thank you!!


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 21:03:21 UTC
You're very welcome!

And, why didn't it occur to me before? I could offer a personalized icon as a birthday gift, should such a thing appeal.


feliciacraft June 5 2015, 08:18:04 UTC
Wow! How wonderful!

Totally agree with 8. as my favorite among the alternatives. The position of the text creates tension and an odd balance with the negative space on the right, but the text itself stands out without being intrusive. My eyes are drawn to the pillar of light shining down on Buffy, all Chosen-like. Also love 1! I'm also drawn to 13. The White Rabbit looks like it's glowing, and the lighting is just perfect with the image of Buffy.


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 18:40:46 UTC
Thank you so much!

Totally agree with 8. as my favorite among the alternatives. The position of the text creates tension and an odd balance with the negative space on the right, but the text itself stands out without being intrusive.

Yes, you pegged exactly why it works the best. Sometimes (a lot of times) it's hard for me to see what's best until I live with them a little bit, see them side by side here (trying to see them side by side on my desktop doesn't seem to be quite the same); or better yet, show them to my fabulous beta-Muse velvetwhip (which I didn't do here obviously).

The fact that the text goes "down" and is partly illegible in 8 is the point isn't it? Very meta - but I'm still learning to get comfortable with using text/fonts in that way, as decorative elements, and not insisting everything be entirely legible.

My eyes are drawn to the pillar of light shining down on Buffy, all Chosen-like. I can never pay our dear girl enough honor and respect; she gets so little in canon (and, sadly, fandom ( ... )


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red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 12:52:17 UTC
Thank you very much!


kikimay June 5 2015, 08:52:11 UTC
I ADORE this set. Thanks for posting it! Please, make more and more!! I'm in love with 1, 8, 9, 10. I love the white rabbit, it's so shiny! I'm also adding icon number 11 to my userpics, thanks to much.


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 19:40:32 UTC
You're welcome - THANK YOU for the lovely comments!

Please, make more and more!!

I'll add your request to my "to do" list, we shall see if the Muse responds!

by coincidence, round 3 category theme at females20in20 is Alice in Wonderland. I'm already signed up for btvsats20in20 so that may be pushing it for me.

And I recall you saying once you liked those Prophecy Girl/White Rabbit images, especially #10 - don't recall if you saw 8-9 before? I think feliciacraft is right, 8 is the best of those three. Although I think 12 has it's charms.

And I saw that you snagged it, THANK YOU! There is no better compliment to me as an artist than to have folks snag and use my work. I think I've made it one of my goals to always have at least one of my icons in your gallery. :D


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