More Buffyverse in Wonderland (Willow, Buffy, The White Rabbit & the Jabberwocky)

Jun 05, 2015 01:08

kikimay and snogged both celebrated birthdays recently, as have angearia, teragramm, leni_ba (far and away my favorite Bangel(us) author), pocochina, frelling_tralk, comlodge, chic_c, boot_the_grime and quinara and what have I done for any of these wonderful folks? Nothing, nada. I suck as a friend (but if only people would stop being born, please, it's so overwhelming.  ;-P)

This really doesn't make up for any of it, but kikimay has been  ( Read more... )

actor: sarah michelle gellar, setting: s5, fandom: btvs, art gallery, icon(ic) thinky thoughts, actor: alyson hannigan, buffyverse in wonderland, char: willow rosenberg, form: banners/posters/wallpapers, char: buffy summers, setting: s1, form: icons

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Comments 39

starry_night June 5 2015, 11:03:43 UTC
These are fab hon! I love the combination of Buffy and Wonderland, both having the surreal aspects to them and the whole "down the rabbit hole" works amazingly well with the Buffyverse and everything Buffy herself (in particular) deals with.


red_satin_doll June 6 2015, 01:00:13 UTC
Thank you dear!

I tend to associate folk and fairy tales with the women of the buffyverse women with season 4 most especially, but the themes resonate all across the seasons don't they? the little girls "lost in the woods".


frelling_tralk June 5 2015, 11:09:29 UTC
Thank you :) And pretty icons!


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 12:57:07 UTC
You're welcome and thank you!

(OT - how awful is it that only last night when I was posting this did I notice your username is spelled "tralk" and not "talk"? My brain has been reading it as "talk" all this time. *lol*

What does "tralk" mean?


frelling_tralk June 5 2015, 13:37:24 UTC
A lot of peoppe have told me that their mind automatically reads it as talk *g*

And it's a reference that comes from the show Farscape :)


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 18:41:56 UTC
And it's a reference that comes from the show Farscape :)

Which I have clearly never watched, and thank you! (I could have googled the term but was too lazy.)


snogged June 5 2015, 11:50:22 UTC
This is such a fantastic concept! Thank you for sharing your work. <3


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 12:55:02 UTC
Thank you for all the encouragements and support, m'dear!


teragramm June 5 2015, 15:21:42 UTC
Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes!

I love the wonderland A/W but I must confess, I like the banners better than the icons. Only because you can really see the a/w in the larger size.

I like #2 and #3 the best because season 1 Willow (with the longer hair) really goes well this the wonderland theme. I love the color and texture on #2 and the clarity and close crop of #3. Great Job!!!


red_satin_doll June 5 2015, 20:20:08 UTC
but I must confess, I like the banners better than the icons. Only because you can really see the a/w in the larger size.Full disclosure #1: I like making banners better than I do icons, for the most part - because I can see what the heck it is I am actually doing. So I'm not insulted by your "confession" in the least ( ... )


teragramm June 5 2015, 22:29:48 UTC
I like making banners better than I do icons, for the most part - because I can see what the heck it is I am actually doing So do I, for the same reasons, plus you can (and need) so many more layers for a banner. To me, all the layers give the banner a deeper, more completed look than an Icon.

I think we've had this convo before, I still toy with the idea of a banner comm. No, I don't think so, because I would have told you that I would love to see a banner comm. I've looked around but can't find one. I think sweet lyri, used to enter one, I don't know if it's still around.

I find 20in20 extremely challenging because of the number of icons needed. I find them challenging too but mostly because the themes can be a bit overwhelming.

Isn't Willow adorable here? And incredibly pretty Yes, very adorable and extremely pretty.

HOW did you not notice that lovely girl right in front of you, Xander Harris, how? Because he was a dope. :P


red_satin_doll June 6 2015, 00:30:39 UTC
I've looked around but can't find one.

I've seen one or two that were trying to get started but never got off the ground for one reason or another. I'll have to ask sweet_lyri about that.

I find them challenging too but mostly because the themes can be a bit overwhelming.

As you've probably heard me say before, I tend to make 5-10x the numbers of alts/extras I need just to get my final entries, regardless if it's slayerstillness or 20in20. With the current round 10 I have a couple of possible entries but I'm kind of freaking out because we get to mix and match the themes and characters. But all the exponential possibilities make my brain want to explode. (I already have two possible "blue" entries with two different characters and so on.)

so, yeah, definitely overwhelming - and I've got a very stressful job right now so - ARGH! - but I don't want to drop out either.

Because he was a dope. :PThat's about the size of it ( ... )


rbfvid June 5 2015, 22:11:38 UTC
Amazing work (as always))!
And now I suddenly wonder if there are Buffy vs Jabberwock stories written... there must be!


red_satin_doll June 6 2015, 00:54:48 UTC
Thank you sweetheart!

And now I suddenly wonder if there are Buffy vs Jabberwock stories written... there must be!I'd seen a Wizard of Oz/Buffyverse crossover but not AiW so I did a quick google search and found this, a 2010 story on based on the Tim Burton film (which by itself doesn't bode well but perhaps the fic is a good one, I haven't read it yet ( ... )


rbfvid June 7 2015, 00:13:10 UTC
Aww, huge thanks, I must check them out.
And I love that "Buffy in Wonderland" manip!


red_satin_doll June 7 2015, 00:38:00 UTC
Isn't it adorable?


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