Sep 02, 2008 09:53
Well Labor day has come and gone.
Here is the news.
Good : The lawn war continues but a major push was made yesterday when the lawn was not only mowed, trimmed and edged. It took about 3 hours to do it all - but it was *very* needed.
Bad : My palm died. It would only come on after a reset and then for 5 seconds before shutting off. I tried all the tricks to get it to come back and nothing worked. I had a minor freak out realizing that ALL my accounts / passwords, plus system details were now inaccessible. After a while I found a utility that would let me open up the backup files on my system to see the data there - *whew*
Good : Because I NEED my palm I got a refurb off of ebay. A palm treo 650. We were able to get it for less than $100. Once it gets here I will have to go through the process of signing up with AT&T or T-mobile using their prepaid plan and I can get away with carrying one less device. Some time down the road get one of the wi-fi sleds for the 650 and have wireless access to go.
Better : I was inspired to look at moped repair web sites (I planned to fix the back wheel on My moped but didn’t get to it) and while at it I hit craigslist for Lawrence and found a place that will work on Gina’s moped. I’ll have to do some work to put more of the parts back on her moped. But its VERY nice to finally find a place (in town no less) that will take it.
Best : I send out invites in a while. But I am planning to have a part on the 27th for my birthday. Nothing huge just friends, food and fun. I’ll come up with a menu later. But mark your calenders (hopefully the weather will cooperate)