Nov 27, 2007 11:22
Cold / Sinus thing seems to be receding slowly - Hey I might actually feel healthy by Christmas.
New Video Card came in last night - my Christmas present early. A BFG Nvidia Gefore8800GT. It took a bit to get the card installed (the card is not *big* so much as long) and the drivers set up. Nividia drivers are SO FREAKING GOOD. I guess I have a weird setup in that I have 2 x 20" monitors, my main monitor is directly ahead of me and the secondary one is to the left. It is annoying how many drivers / setups refuse to understand this simple concept.
Anyhoo - got it set and took a spin through Tabula Rasa to test it - started with what I had and kept pushing the settings up and waiting to see when it will top out... and kept pushing the settings up and waiting to see when it will top out... and kept pushing the settings up and waiting to see when it will top out. Finally with the graphical goodies settings MAXXED out I started pushing up the resolution. I finally stopped at 1600x1024 when I was dipping down to a mere 70 fps.
Tonight if I have time it will be going into City of Heroes and seeing how high I can push it. I though it was at least partly marketing hype that this card would rival the $400 cards in performance but it is no lie at all. This card ROCKS.
I can't imagine what having 2 of these in a SLI mode would do.
Speaking of City of Heroes - Patch 11 goes live on Wednesday morning :D I got the card just in time for that at least.