Sep 01, 2006 15:21
Well Gina and I went to KC on wednesday night. Got some new Gym wear - My old stuff was well really old - like I know the pant were at least 10 years old because they still had the holes in the knees from when I wore knee cops while fighting in the SCA...
So we got that - also picked up some really nice tech - 1 Gb SD chips for both mine and Gina's palms and a 1 GB USB drive for me - for $35 bucks - SWEET!
It nice to have some real storage on the palm - adding photos and ebooks and games and music to it now. I really like the palm - about the only I have been disappointed with is the battery life for the palm - seems like it really wants a recharge if I do much of anything with it.
MobileDB has been an excellent program - I can't recommend it highly enough. Having a mini database program to store / organize data like blood sugar levels, exercise data, significant dates, and professional notes.
Yeah that right I have set up a database for tracking our exercise progress. Tonight Gina and I are gonna try to get to the pool and swim a bit - prolly something quick and easy for supper afterward.
I plan to go into the gym tomorrow morning after dropping Gina off and familiarizing myself and doing a first round of exercise. We will be following the "Slow Burn" method - maximize strength training - minimal aerobic in and out - See if it works. The science behind it looks pretty solid ~ but as with any health related science - its always changing.
See if I can't get Gina into the gym on Saturday / Sunday afternoon for her session.
Got the Battlefield 2142 client ver 2 downloaded and installed. The of the LONGEST freaking installs I have ever seen - The version 2 beta actually seems to be closer to working - I can stay on for more than a few minutes and actually got a kill and a scored a takeover of a base. My skills for that 1st person shooter are still rusty but coming back.
DDO / CoH contiues to be our main online addictions but it was nice to get a little visceral twitch based action.
Watched the "Who wants to be a SuperHero?" finale. I though the show was fun - a little-tongue-in-cheek but much more enjoyable than any survivor or reality show I had seen yet. I read a second season is already planned and I will prolly watch that too.
About the biggest two challenges for the weekend are getting the lawn taken care of before the landlord gets upset and getting finances up-to-date.
Maybe get a copy of quicken for the palm to make it easier.
battlefeild 2142