Jun 29, 2007 14:21
Okay I did it to myself. I know that.
But that still doesn't mean I have to like it. About two weeks ago while mowing the lawn my right shoulder began to hurt a bit. I figured it was because of the efforts at lawn care and didn't think anything of it.
It didn't go away. In fact it began to ache more and more, especially while at my computer. It became a 24 x 7 thing. Finally on Wednesday when I was breaking down to taking aspirin regularly to deal with the pain. I had an epiphany - it was time to see the doctor.
The one good thing was that while it hurt I hadn't lost any range of motion in my arm (Like I did when I stressed my rotator cuff in my shoulder) So when I saw the doctor, he poked, prodded and hrmmmed. Then found a really sore spot on the back of my shoulder.
Now I am no pansy. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. Him jabbing a finger there had me going ow-Ow-OW-OW!-OWDAMMINT, and nearly unable to move my arm.
Well the good news is that it was just a strained muscle nothing terribly serious. A anti-inflammatory and and muscle relaxant should take care of it. Plus some physical therapy (from a physical terrorist) and a few cold packs.
Just freakin' annoying - I gots stuff to do