Aug 21, 2006 12:21
Sorry for the silence here. Last week was a rough in some ways. Starting with Monday taking Gina to retinologist which took most of the day. Luckily the news for her wasn't per say bad more like "Your getting older and your near-sighted. This could get worse or stay the same". Meh. Only real bright spot was lunch at Red Lobster and watching "The Closer".
(I must say I am surprised to like this. I am not a fan of most Cop / Lawyer / Doctor dramas because I have read a lot of detective stories and I have gotten to be very good at picking up details which lets me figure out the ending about 1/2 through the show. This show is *very* good about not pandering to the viewers and making you think and look for the clues.)
Came into work Tuesday and it was like Monday x 3. Went into crunch mode and got stuff done. Wednesday more of the same except call from doctors office to come in and talk about some test results from last physical. Scheduled that for Friday morning.
Thursday a little better but still crunch mode (seeing a pattern here?)
Friday - go to doc's office and congratulations (NOT!) I made it to 40 without my genetics really screwing up but not gonna make it to 41. I was diagnosed as being diabetic (fasting blood sugar of 280) and because I was now diabetic all those other little nagging things like my blood pressure and cholesterol which was normal (high side of normal but still normal) were not too high as well.
After work I go to pick up medication and find surprise $250 worth of medication for me. Something that we cant really afford at the moment. (Did I mention spending $60 on various medication just he week before?)
So we go in later and have them parse out everything the doc has proscribed. Turns out some of it - about $100 I did not need as we already have a gluometer, strips and sticks (not to mention Wal-greens was trying to sell me of course the very top-of-the-line most expensive versions of those items)
Next the doc proscribed actos at $58 for a month. Gina and I know all about this stuff. It only enhances the regular diabetic medication (Metformin). There are other cheaper medication than this stuff gotta talk to doc and have a little meeting of the minds there.
The other medication I am on is called Byetta which while itself $50 a month may be worth while. It is a diabetic medication booster as well but it also has a nice effect of being a appetite supressant. Call it psychosomiatic but it does seem to be working. Not so happy about have to do injections but they are subcutanious and pretty much painless - mosquito bites hurt worse.
The last thing Gina and I have to do and now that the semester has started is (dum dum dum da dah!!) Going back to the gym. Which I will admit to not really looking forward to. The workout itself - pushing myself loosing weight and all that I like, it the inconvience, the added annoyance of it -the time it takes out of my already busy day that is grating.
I kinda sulked this weekend over the news - part of me wanted to dive into a vat of ice cream and eat myself senseless, part of me was kinda resigned in the 'well here we go again' and part of me just didn't want to think about it that much.
It was the last part of me that mostly won - I got a new book and some old mechwarrior games and proceeded to waste most of the weekend away. Although I gotta say - I love the Mechwarrior series of games (even though Microsoft watered down the Mechwarrior 4 and all those that followed - something just will not translate to the Xbox)
The book was really good - Elizabeth Bear is definitely a author to watch.
I also played a bit with XP 64 - since I got an AMD XP CPU in my system I might as well get some use out of it - So far it seems to work although getting all new drivers for an OS is a bit of a pain.
Sunday night I spent playing some DDO. Really getting to like it. Still I wish they had more content. But the solo-able missions, in game email and additions keep coming so I am liking it. See where it goes
Try to be better about making more updates