[OOC] Information Meme

Oct 26, 2008 19:53

[Character Name] Kouzuki Kallen
[Canon] Code Geass R2

[Age] 18
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Red
[Height] 160cm (5'3")
[Birthday/Sign] May 29, 2000 a.t.b./Aries the Ram
[Blood Type] B
[Other] Nothing in particular.
[Clothing] Well aside from her ENORMOUS BOOBS I guess.

[Background] Born to a Britannian father from a Japanese mother, Kouzuki Kallen--also known as Kallen Stadtfelt, though she rejects that name in favor of embracing her Japanese identity--was on the forefront of the Japanese resistance after Britannia conquered it and turned it into one of their territories, specifically Area 11. The organization that her brother Naoto founded and was handed down to their colleage Ohgi after Naoto's death would eventually become the Black Knights when Zero found it and whipped it into shape, from a ragtag band of terrorists into "allies of justice." Kallen has always served it, and Zero, with unswerving loyalty to the cause, and as Zero continued to use his uncanny strategic sense to win the Black Knights battle after battle against Britannia--and it was, in his words, a war--her feelings for him deepened beyond mere loyalty into a low-running love.

Unbeknownst to Kallen, however, Zero was really Lelouch Lamperouge, her classmate from Ashford Academy--even though he was well aware that her frail, girly school persona was a cover for her terrorist activities. For the longest time, Kallen despised Lelouch for being a stuck-up jerk who didn't care about anything, particularly not the suffering of "Elevens". She also had no idea that she had been one of the first people on whom he had cast a geass, and in fact was the person who made Lelouch realize he couldn't use the power of his geass on the same person twice.

In the process of fighting as one of the Black Knights, Kallen also came to terms with her mother, whom she considered pathetic to humiliate herself all for the sake of the Britannian nobleman she loved and then resort to the drug Refrain to alleviate her pain--it turned out her mother simply wanted to stay close to her, her daughter. This strengthened her resolve, and ultimately, thanks to being the ace of the Black Knights, she was made into the captain of Zero's personal vanguard as well as given the Guren Mk.-II, the most powerful Knightmare at their disposal. It reached a point where she was even jealous of Zero's insistence on getting Kururugi Suzaku, who was the son of the former Minister of Japan but had chosen to enlist as a soldier of Britannia after they took over, on their side. She was also a little jealous of C.C., a mysterious woman who was always at Zero's side but had no clear role in the Black Knights.

In the end, after Princess Euphemia ordered the massacre of over 20,000 Japanese while under the thrall of Lelouch's unintentionally cast geass and Lelouch decided to make the most of a horrible situation and take the opportunity to kick Britannia out of Japan for good, Kallen revealed herself to her classmates and fellow Student Council members in order to convince them that the Black Knights would not hurt them. Later on, when Zero and Suzaku left the battlefield, she chased after him at Ohgi's urging, and found out when Suzaku shot Zero's mask off that the man she'd respected and loved was actually the boy she couldn't stand: Lelouch Lamperouge. Not only that, but he had a power, the geass of absolute obedience, to force others to bend to his will, thus why normally softhearted and sweet Princess Euphemia suddenly ordered a massacre. Shocked and betrayed, she fled, leaving Suzaku to kick the crap out of Lelouch and drag him back to his father, Emperor Charles.

However, Kallen regretted doing this, and worked hard with C.C. to recover Lelouch's memories after they'd been sealed by his father's geass, and get Zero back to lead the Black Knights. The maneuver was ultimately successful, and Kallen's dedication was proven when she willingly let herself get used as a bunny girl and spat upon by Britannians so she could get close enough to Lelouch to put a tracking device on him. After confronting him once his memories were returned--to ask him if he'd put her under the thrall of geass too. Lelouch avoided the question to instead tell her that all her loyalty towards Zero was her own, and they more or less made up, with Kallen stating that she viewed Lelouch and Zero as two different people.

Her feelings say differently, though. The love and loyalty she felt for Zero has seeped well into Lelouch, to the point where when he was depressed over his sister and raison d'etre, Nunnally, rejected Zero's path, she stopped him from becoming a druggie and told him to order her around like he always did--to take responsibility for the dream of freedom he had given the Japanese, in an echo of something he once told "Toudou the Miraculous," another member of the Black Knights. Lelouch asked her to comfort him as a woman and moved to kiss her, but while Kallen hesitated, she resisted this order, slapped him and told him to man up. Man up Lelouch did, and for it Kallen's very grateful. By the point she's from, Lelouch has told her--while lying beneath her after she'd accidentally fallen on top of him!--that he wanted her to come back to Ashford with him (something that had been previously impossible since her identity as a terrorist was known), and that he would absolutely come to save her when she was captured by the Chinese Federation. Kallen has faith in that, and her feelings have grown deeper than ever.

So it's probably a good thing her dream self fell into the Castle of Doom now, rather than after she'd been waiting in a glass cell and a fancy low-cut dress for a couple months.

[Personality] Kallen is, at her heart, a straightforward woman who is extremely athletic and does her best thinking when she's on the battlefield. Though she can be slow to trust strangers thanks to her background, once she grows to trust someone, she is unfailingly, ferociously loyal. Though she's got plenty of book smarts, she doesn't have the coolheadedness necessary to utilize them to their fullest. On the contrary, Kallen's extremely hotheaded and emotional, and has a tendency to talk and act before she thinks, which ends up making her seem quite stupid sometimes. It makes her honest too, though, because if she isn't actively putting a wrap on things--such as when she's pretending to be a frail, sweet little thing--she'll immediately say what's on her mind without holding back. Still, this brashness can be easily used against her.

She can be kind too, though, and genuinely cares about her friends. There have been many times where she held her breath, praying for the safety of her friends on the Student Council, when her terrorist activities put them at risk of danger. (Fortunately, though she often didn't know it at the time, since Zero was also on the Student Council, he was similarly inclined to find a way to weasel out a reason to keep them safe.) However, Kallen is pragmatic enough that if a friend becomes an enemy, she won't hold back against them. And, of course, she loves Lelouch. Though she's taken from well before that point, if Lelouch had only told her he loved her back when the Black Knights turned their guns on Zero, Kallen would have died for him without any regrets.

[Specialties/Abilities] Kallen had excellent grades when she was still in school, despite almost never going on account of being "sick" (read: "blowing up Britannian institutions"), so Kallen has a lot of book smarts, even if she's not good at all at being a cunning bastard. That said, she is fairly good at acting when need be if she's prepared for it, as well as thinking on her feet as long as it's in a combat situation rather than, say, making an excuse for why she's threatening to cut a dude who told her not to talk about Shinjuku. (In this respect, Lelouch rides one-handed unicycle-rings around her, even if physically speaking, he's a pansy.)

[Affection] Despite her aggressive nature, Kallen gets embarrassed when people hit on her, or stare at her rack, or she happens to fall on top of her crush, resulting in an extremely suggestive position. She isn't bothered by getting touched from most people, as long as it stays friendly and non-sexual, i.e. north of the equator and off the boobies. Of course, Kallen won't tolerate getting touched by people she'd consider an enemy (I'm looking at you, Suzaku), and she'd blush like crazy if Lelouch slipped an arm around her waist. On an OOC level, I'm much the same; hell, I don't even mind if you get touchy-feely, as long as you understand you're extremely likely to get a broken nose for your troubles. With a body like Kallen's, isn't it worth it!? (It might not actually be worth it. She hits hard.)
[Fighting] Kallen's an extremely proficient fighter thanks to her time as a terrorist fighting on behalf of freeing Japan. Her abilities with piloting Knightmares are top-notch, acknowledged by Gino, the Knight of Three, that she's on the same level as Britannia's elite Knights of Rounds, and has enough speed and precision on foot to be able to cut a bee in half, while it's in mid-air, with her bare fingernails. In other words, don't mess with her, mang. She'll cutchoo so bad, you'll wish she didn't cutchoo so bad. (You can still mess with her anyway; it's not like she's invincible!)

[Other Facts] Kallen digs tsundere!Lelouch. So hard.

kouzuki kallen

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