
Oct 03, 2008 21:49


Hi! I want to say thank you to everyone who has interacted with Sinister in the almost two years he's been a part of TM. I've had a wonderful, amazing time, and I really have enjoyed taking this character--who I love but everyone laughs at me for being so enamored of, hee, since he's a silly villain with a glowing red diamond on his head--and taking him in this completely new direction. Because Sinister is so TM!Sinister to me, I'm going to let his story end here. I'll miss him, but I've think I've taken him as far as I can go. Nathaniel was my first experience with muse writing, and I've had a blast. Thanks so much for making his stay here so awesome!

I want to especially thank Rachel!Mun, for going with this crazy idea I had, and being an amazing RP partner. ::grins:: I hope y'all enjoyed reading the progression of Nathaniel and Rachel's relationship as much as we enjoyed writing it. It was a crazy ride, but it was a lot of fun, and I will always adore these two more than I can say.

You may assume Sinister, Rachel, and Isobel lived happily ever after. :) Nathaniel will continue being stuffy and completely enamored of Rachel, and I believe his villainous days are far behind him as long as she's with him. And Rachel!Mun and I decided she would be,

Y'all are awesome, and thank you again!

--Sinister!Mun, aka. Sionnain
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