[once a supervillain...]

Mar 25, 2008 20:46

Nathaniel sat perfectly still in the chair across from Dr. Pym's desk. The man looked tired.

I hate this red-eyed freak, he was thinking, loud and clear, and Nathaniel did not bother to remind Pym that he was a telepath.

Perhaps I shall fill out a form about mutant harassment, Nathaniel thought, inwardly smirking at the thought. He shall have to pay a fine. None of Nathaniel's mirth was reflected on his features, which remained as aloof and impassive as ever.

"Look, Essex. Cut the crap. Did you do it, or not?" Pym fixed Nathaniel with a glare. "If you did, just speak up. We'll...work something out."

Nathaniel resisted the urge to snort at that. I am sure you will. "Did I do what, precisely? You understand, I am blamed for a great many things." Nathaniel obnoxiously studied his nails. "One does lose track after awhile."

"You arrogant ass, you know what I mean. Magneto's escape. We all know your girlfriend is buddy-buddy with Lehnsherr's." Pym was rubbing at his temples. "So, do you know anything?"

"First you imply I did it, then you ask if I know anything? Honestly, Pym, you may need a few days away from the office." Pym glared at him, and Nathaniel smiled politely. "I know nothing about it, no more than what I read in the paper this morning."

"And Rachel?"

"She was as surprised as I was."

Pym leaned forward. "They got nothing on the security camera, Essex. Nothing. And someone was disintegrated. It's not in the paper, but it happened. I heard it through other channels. You know anything about that, Sinister?"

"I was never fond of disintegration, really," Nathaniel drawled, leaning back in his chair. "A shame it wasn't Lehnsherr. You look surprised--did you think we were all friends, then? A grand cabal of supervilliains, with blood oaths to save each other from prisons?" Nathaniel raised a brow. "You did, I imagine. Well, I assure you, Pym, I lost my villain card the moment I signed up with the good folks at SHIELD, here."

"Cut the crap, Essex. Your girlfriend--"

"--had classes, in which she was in attendance." Or at least, that was what everyone would say, if questioned. Nathaniel knew how to plan things down the the most minute detail. It was why he was still alive, most likely. "I am not, and never have been, an ally of Magento's. I find his science to be ridiculous and his concept of evolution is simplistic at best. I had no reason to aid Magneto's escape in the slightest, Pym. Free of Magneto, Rachel might have seen Anna more. And really, as you have noted on several of my employee evaluations, all I truly care about is Rachel." He paused. "I shall let you work that out for yourself, or I can provide a recap with smaller words and perhaps pictures, if you like."

Pym was glaring again. "I have no idea what Rachel Grey sees in you, Essex."

"Oftimes, neither do I. Is that all?" Nathaniel asked politely. He was actually enjoying this, which he would absolutely not tell Isobel, who would find it worrisome if Nathaniel was enjoying "acting like a supervillain."

"I don't believe you're going straight at all, you know."

Nathaniel stood up. He had a feeling their conversation was over. "Yes, I am aware of that. Are you quite finished? I have to have this conversation with four more SHIELD officials, you realize. Apparently, something happens that is a threat to national security, and everyone wishes to place blame on the ex-supervillain." Nathaniel put his hand on his heart and winced theatrically. "Possibly I shall go home and cry, as your lack of trust in me is disheartening."

Pym looked at him as if Nathaniel had gone mad. "I liked you better when you didn't have a sense of humor."

"You are not the only one," Nathaniel intoned, still appearing humorless, and left Pym's office. He was smiling, however, as he closed Pym's door and walked into the hallway. The look frightened a young intern who was carrying coffee. She took one look at his face, squeaked, and spilled the coffee.

Nathaniel continued down the hall, still smiling. Some days, it was good to be Sinister.
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