Sinister learns how to use another emoticon, and an Email to Rachel

Apr 23, 2007 08:53

After the incredibly strange appearance of Isobel Chambers and Mystique together in his kitchen, Nathaniel retreats to his office to write an email to his girlfriend.

To: Rachel Grey
From: N. Essex
Subject: This morning


I have had the most bizarre morning imaginable.

Perhaps that is a bit of hyperbole, but I am quite shocked as to the events which played themselves out in my kitchen this morning. I was making tea for myself and Miss Chambers, as is customary before we begin work, and she enters the kitchen with another young woman.

Now, I do recall that Isobel was on her way out last night (I am appalled at some of her outfit choices, but restrain myself from commenting on them, as it seems to annoy her) and I surmise she spent the evening with this young woman. She looked very pleased. I offered her (the woman's name was "Charlie") some tea, and then, of course, went to do a cursory scan of her mind (for Isobel's protection, you understand).

I found a block; as in, I could not read her. I was immediately suspicious, of course, and as it turns out--

It was Mystique. Mike has hired her to shoot me for an obscene amount of money--I am not certain why, other than the lad has too much time and money and no apparent direction for his life--and she has used Miss Chambers as an entree into my home by seducing her.

Isobel seemed quite horrified at the true identity of her ladyfriend. I was--I suppose angry is the word--at this turn of events, and Mystique and I had a bit of a tussle. We did, however, negotiate a bargain by which I could eradicate the impending injury of my person, though I was quite firm with her that if Isobel should be harmed, I should very likely kill her. (Mystique, of course).

Mystique then went to speak to Miss Chambers, and I made sure to mentally supervise--do not be angry, you would have done the same to ensure Isobel's safety--this meeting. I removed my presence very quickly, as it was quite obvious that protection from Mystique was no longer something for which Isobel wished. She seemed quite happy to be manhandled. Womanhandled? I have no notion of how to phrase this term. do advise.

I have learned a new emoticion from Isobel (the term for the usage of keyboard symbols to convey one's emotions) that I believe is applicable for this situation. It is as follows:


That was quite the look on my face when I realised my lab assistant was having consensual relations with Raven Darkholme in my laboratory with full knowledge as to her identity.

In other news, I am to have dinner with Mystique this evening to ascertain why she wishes to meet with me. Something about her daughter, I am sure, though I assure you, I have no intention of divulging Rogue's whereabouts, as I do not know where they are and am under no obligation to inform Mystique of anything concerning her daughter. Plus,I am quite certain you would be furious with me, and I do try and avoid that particular scenario if at all possible. At any rate, I do not believe it is about Mike, as I am also certain I know why he wants to kill me. He shall have to take a number, I suppose. (I shudder to think what place he is in line, though I put him somewhere in the teens--this is a joke, of course. Though perhaps not far from the truth?)

I do hope you are well, and find myself thinking of you quite often. Most especially during tiresome meetings (it does keep me from leaping across the table and strangling Dr. Pym for what he wishes to do with my lab assistant, though perhaps Mystique shall do that, now) but also at other times. Savannah is quite lovely this time of year, I should very much like to show you.



PostScript: Perhaps you should send an electronic message to Isobel and inquire if she is quite certain she should be involved with Mystique. Not only is that hardly proper, I have narrowly avoided personal injury once today, and do wish to keep Isobel from tossing things at my head. She has quite the aim.

mystique, izzy, rachel, email, rp

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