TM 173: Fan Letter

Apr 10, 2007 19:33

Dear Mr. Jason Hawes and Mr. Grant Wilson of the TAPS organisation,

My name is Nathaniel Essex, and I am quite a fan of your programme Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi Channel on my DISH Network. I have previously watched your show while I was living in London, and am pleased I am able to watch the individual episodes as they are available without the inevitable lag time one must endure while waiting for overseas programming.

I have always had quite the interest in the supernatural and the paranormal. When I was a young man, spiritualism was quite in fashion in England. Unfortunately, most of these people were shameless charlatans who were more invested in running a bit of a scam on hapless onlookers. I went to one of these so-called "seances" and found the entire thing quite laughable.

However, I have found your pursuit of the paranormal to be scientific as well as entertaining, and I am most appreciative of your thorough attention to the facts. I enjoy the methods by which you go about "debunking" strange instances captured on your video cassettes and your recording devices. Therefore, when you find something without natural explanation, I am quite interested in what it could be.

My favorite incident was the one with the chair that moved itself in that lighthouse. I also enjoy the EVPs. I have attempted to capture one in my home in England, and I thought perhaps I had a voice saying Don't let me, but my girlfriend listened to the tape and laughed at my insistence, saying it was quite obviously traffic. I was unable to replicate the noise by recording actual traffic, but she remains unconvinced. She is not a fan of your programme as there is too much of an emphasis on science. Do not let this dissuade you, however, as my girlfriend appreciates animated programmes such as talking sponges who live beneath the sea.

I do hope you do an investigation in Savannah in the near future. There are a great many places here which could be haunted. I shall look forward to your upcoming season.

However, I think perhaps you should do away with that Brian chap. His accent is very annoying and he seems rather problematic and over-excitable to the point of distraction. I am currently employed, however, if this geneticist position should fall through, I am a very capable researcher.


Nathaniel Essex

tm_prompts, fan letter, tm_prompt

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