OOC Note!

Mar 01, 2007 14:01

Just a head's up plot note for any RP purposes about Sinister:

As soon as Iron_Tony approves Sinister's application, my pup will be moving to Savannah (I even found him a house! Yes, okay, I'm just like that) and starting work for SHIELD. I created a SHIELD appointed assistant for him named Isobel Chambers, who has an LJ (for RP purposes, not affiliated with Theatrical_Muse) Izzy_Chambers, who is a geneticist assigned to keep an eye on Dr. Essex's scientific research methodology :) Sinister will, for the first time in a very long time, have more freedom of movement since he doesn't have to hide away in the shadows constantly, and I assume SHIELD has a moderate amount of protection given to their agents in the Initiative. I have PLANS for the poor guy which involve him trying to make nice to supermarket checkers (I've actually already written it--me, excited about this new development? Naah), so if your pup is trying to kill Sinister/assemble a team to destroy him/whatever, please let me know so I can, um. Keep my boy alive? Thanks :)

Also, it is probably common knowledge he's dating Rachel, I should imagine.

That about covers it :)
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