I returned to Tekkoshocon.

Mar 28, 2012 19:10

So, I had a great time at my old hometown convention of Tekkoshocon.
I think the highlight of the event was that I participated in a panel for the first time. I dressed up as Capt. Byakuya Kuchiki and helped some other cosplayers in a Q&A session for the Bleach characters. We had limited opportunity to contact each other and prepare, and yet I think it went well. It was a small and informal event, so I was not nervous. A good way to start out for my first ever panel.
Of course I attended the three big events - the AMV contest, the masquerade, and the concert (the two bands were SoundWitch and Exist Trance). Other events I attended included the Villain's Q&A panel, the Todd Haberkorn and Travis Willingham autograph session, the Uncle Yo standup comedy, the Random Battle Group mock battles, the AMV trailers viewing, the Anime Fight Club panel, the Name That Tune game show, the Todd Haberkorn and Travis Willingham voice acting discussion, and the MagaRan rap performances.
And one other thing... in addition to meeting some new people at the con, I saw five people I already knew. So that was nice.
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