Marvel Bang: Art for "The Only Truth That Sticks" by meatball42

Nov 19, 2016 19:34

A/n: And here's my third and final art for this year's marvel_bang! This one is all about Tony and Natasha, working through trust issues and chemistry and sticky situations over the years, starting in Iron Man 2 and branching out AU-ishly from there (it's alternatiely summarized as "Five times Tony Stark did not sleep with Natasha Romanoff, and one time he did). I jumped at the chance to do art for this week, since Tony/Nat has been a guilty pleasure fic of mine forever. They just have a lot of potential and chemistry and I'm always up for seeing fic that explores that. :D

This art is rated PG-13 for some attempted sexy manips.

Fic Title: The Only Truth That Sticks
Fic Summary: It took years for Natasha to understand Tony on a personal level, and in that time their relationship has ended up as many of Natasha’s do: they are colleagues who can work together professionally, but don’t even pretend to trust each other. She sets her sights on repairing their relationship, but with Tony Stark, nothing is ever going to be easy. (Or: Five times Tony Stark did not sleep with Natasha Romanoff, and one time he did.)


Title Art

The Rumba


(Alternate Unused Title Art: )

Art Link (AO3):
Fic Link:

character: natasha romanoff, *bang art, marvel bang, character: tony stark, movie: iron man, movie: avengers, ship: tony/natasha, red pretends she can do manips

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