Dry Spell?

Mar 11, 2012 03:35

Right now I feel like I am going through a weird dry spell in terms of creating things. I haven't made very much art over the past few months (just a handful compared to what I'm usually churning out), I've written almost nothing (fics or otherwise), and only just in the last week or two came up with a vid (ignored the dozen and a half started/unfinished projects in various states of completion to whip out a short George/Izzie vid in like 3 days). It's kind of weird, because usually my "muse" just shifts to one medium or another for while, or divides her time between all of them.

I have no explanation for this dry spell, other than I feel like I am desperate to "consume" as much as possible right now. I don't know why. I mean, I always am reading books, I constantly have shows on TV to watch, I'm always watching/rewatching movies. But for some reason these past few months, I feel like I'm just burning through as much as possible, all the time. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just that it seems to be coinciding with my creative dry spell.

Per my last post on her, I blasted through three different TV shows - outside of regular/weekly ones I watch. I'm still plugging through Cheers (on S5 now - I'll have to post about that sometime) and Quantum Leap (nearly finished season 4), I've read Game of Thrones (book one), all of The Hunger Games, One Day (and watched the movie), rewatched Pushing Daisies S2 and Miranda, rewatched scads of movies, as well as watched pilots of Cougar Town, Downton Abbey and The Prisoner (mini-series with Ian McKellen and Jim Caviezel), all of which I plan to continue. Plus I raided my parents' boxes of VHS's the other day, and scooped up around 20 older movies that I haven't seen yet (like Risky Business, True Lies, Apollo 13) and older ones I have seen and don't own but would like to rewatch (Jurassic Park, Monster Inc, Prince of Egypt, etc).

Anyways, this will definitely be tagged with "irrelevant rambling". That's apparently what I do these days when I'm not spending every minute devouring pop-culture in some way, and being geeky about it. ;P

And seriously, not that I need anything more to watch or read (I literally have a word doc with like a hundred titles to get to), but any rec's for shows and what not I should check out (read: add to my obscenely long list)?


P.S. Actually, I do have a little bit of art, mostly Hunger Games, so I'll post that next/soon...

*procrastination, tv: misc, #irrelevant rambling

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