Life On Mars

Feb 07, 2012 22:49

Ok, so I caved and got Netflix. They sent my parents (who already have it) a free trial, so they gave it to me, and well, I couldn't let it go to waste. It's not like I have enough other things to watch and read as it is, now I have all the choices of Netflix (Canada, that is, which I'm told has a significantly lesser selection than the US version, but there's still a crap load of stuff on there).

During Christmas holidays while I was at my parents' place using their Netflix, I discovered Arrested Development (and the first thing I did when I got back to the city/my place was rush out and buy all 3 season on DVD and proceed to blast through them at an alarming rate - and Dollhouse was majorly on sale, and tho I haven't seen it, I bought that too, because it's Joss and my cousin with very similar TV taste as me had been raving non-stop a few months back about it when she watched it on Netflix). Arrested Development is absolutely fantastic and hilarious, and I'm just sad I never saw it before (and excited it apparently might/for sure be getting kind of revived).

And when I was done Arrested Development, I mourned briefly that it was over, and dove into Dollhouse. Which I also devoured at an alarming rate. IT'S. SO. GOOD. I mean, ok, the acting isn't totally stellar at times, especially in the beginning/first season, but the storylines just get better and better, and it just captured me, heart and soul, and the ending few episodes had me absolutely ugly sobbing my brains out. So much emotion and a few completely out-of-the-blue deaths (ya, THANKS JOSS) and just.. JUST WATCH IT, OK?

After I finished Dollhouse, I mourned longer that there was no more, I struggled to pick myself up out of the fictional-character-death-depression... and then Chuck ended. Again with the ugly sobbing. The series finale was SO beautiful and well done, and not what I was expecting or even hoping for, but everything came full circle and they did so many callbacks and parallels, and it was just gorgeous. I can't even - I feel choked up thinking too much about it! Inevitably, I needed to distract myself from being sad about Chuck ending, so I finally turned to Netflix (I'd only signed up, adjusted my taste in genres, rated a few movies/shows I had already seen, and briefly tried a few excruciatingly bad "steamy" flicks for kicks - two of which I could only watch 10 mins of, one I made it as far as half an hour, but they were so laughable I couldn't follow through).

Which brings me to the main reason why I needed to post. I watched Life On Mars (the US version - because I've since found out it's based on a UK version of the same name - with Jason O'Mara) and while initially I was like, "Well, this is cute and quirky and kinda weird but right up my alley, so I'm enjoying it" it quickly turned into one of those shows where you just can't stop watching and even if it means watching five minutes at breakfast and ten minutes before you go out in the evening, it was worth it because it meant you got to watch more. There was only 17 episodes, and the finale blew my mind in such a good way. It closed the mystery, threw in a WHAT twist, and then still managed to be ambiguous in the final shot (that still makes you question what you just saw). I can't even explain it - it was just soooo gooooood!!

I have been searching for the past two days for fics (, LJ, AO3), and everything I find is for the UK version. I have found two, and read them both. If ANYONE out there has read a good one for the US version of Life On Mars, I will give you scads of virtual cookies and hugs to link me.

Anyways, I better head to bed. I plan to be back, hopefully sometime this week, with an art update, but for now I'll leave you with this piece I made today for Life on Mars (I'm in that mourning period which occurs after discovering a show new to you, falling madly in love, and then reaching the end of the new content). I'm probably going to edit this desktop a tiny bit more because I noticed some things I don't like on it, but they're small.


ship: sam/annie, tv: arrested development, *procrastination, tv: life on mars, tv: dollhouse, #irrelevant rambling

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