Sep 23, 2011 02:47

So as you may or may not know, back in May, I signed up for this fanfic "Big Bang", where you basically have to write a big story in a (relatively) short amount of time (kind of like NaNoWriMo or whatever it's called, which I have never attempted because I am the lethal combination of procrastinator and perfectionist when it comes to writing). For this one, it has to be centered on a het pairing (therefore the genre should be mostly romance), must have 25 000 words or more, and must be done by September 25th.
I worked on it for most of the summer - steadily, I thought. Then September hit and I flew into freaking panic mode. I realized at that point I was only like half to three-quarters done, and the hardest stuff was still yet to be written. So I've been like power writing for the last few weeks, sitting down for a few hours a day if not more, hammering things out.

Oh, and did I mention, that because I am an idiot  can't say no  like to help and make things, I also signed up to be not only a cheerleader, but an artist too. For two people. Thankfully those are done. OH and, AND, because I wasn't stressing enough? I saw a post for someone writing a Sif/Loki who needed a beta. I told myself not to, but after a full day on the very active community, no one had responded to her plea, so... I did.

And now it's Thursday, the 22nd - well, technically it's Friday now, it being almost 3 AM and all, but I haven't slept yet, so I'm calling it Thursday still. Anyways, so the fics are due Sunday by noon. So not only so I need to finish beta-ing the Sif/Loki fic (which I am quite enjoying), I need to finish mine (it's like inches from being done - I'm right there at the end, the end is even technically written, but one scene needs some major cutting down and reworking, while another couple at the end need some light expansion and reworking). And tomorrow I'm busy int he afternoon/evening with family, and same with Saturday. And I know there will be no motivation for me to right close to, after or at these family things, so...

I joked earlier about pulling an all-nighter, but ya, it's almost 3, and I'm only halfway through Part 1 of the S/L fic. GUUUUUH.

Anyways. I better get back to the fic before I lose my focus entirely, for reals. I'm getting blurry as it is, and closing my eyes to imagine a scene almost made me fall asleep in my chair. POWER THROUGH - I WILL GET THIS DONE! FOR NARNIA!


het big bang, fic: crossover, ship: jack/addison, *procrastination, #update, fic: hanging by a gossamer thread, #irrelevant rambling

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