
Sep 16, 2011 15:41

I've seen many other LJers do this sort of thing, and I figured I probably should too. I have SO. MANY. Ships. So don't be too overwhelmed.

(Read: I am on a scheduled "break" from my self-imposed Bang writing regime today, and I'm making the most of it by doing... this...)

Of the below, the level of passion ranges anywhere from "ya, they'd be good together" to "OHMYGOSH-DYING-OTP4LIFE". In each fandom, I listed my absolute fav ships first, then everything else (including AU/non-canon ones which I seem to be very interested by lately!). I tried to list the fandoms in a general order of most passionate or involved to lesser. (Note: subject to constant editing and fluctuation of interest and passion.)


Desmond/Penny, Jack/Kate, Sawyer/Juliet, Charlie/Claire, Hurley/Libby, Sun/Jin, Shannon/Sayid, Shannon/Boone, Daniel/Charlotte, Sawyer/Kate.
AU: Shannon/Sawyer, Jack/Sun, Claire/Boone, Kate/Boone, Desmond/Libby, Jack/Libby, Sayid/Kate, Jack/Shannon... - all only if done right.

Harry Potter:

Ron/Hermione, Harry/Cho, Neville/Luna, James/Lily, Sirius/OC (if done right - Sirius/Deliverance!!), Fred/Angelina, George/Katie, Remus/Tonks, Oliver/OC (if done right).
AU: Neville/Ginny, Oliver/Cho, Tonks/Charlie, Hermione/Cedric, Cedric/Ginny, movieverse!Harry/Luna

Hunger Games:
(*not even bothering to divide these into AU or not, or rank them, because at the moment I'm reading everything and can't sort them even kind of.)

Katniss/Gale, Katniss/Peeta, Katniss/Haymitch, Katniss/Cinna, Katniss/Finnick, Katniss/Cato, Gale/Johanna, Gale/Prim, Gale/Madge, Gale/Prim, Gale/Annie, Peeta/Johanna, Peeta/Prim, Peeta/Delly, Finnick/Johanna, Finnick/Annie, Haymitch/Effie, Cato/Clove, Cato/Glimmer...

Grey's Anatomy (conditional depending on which season/episode, and nothing after S5):

George/Izzie (OTP), Callie/Mark, Mark/Hahn, Cristina/Owen, Cristina/Burke, Addison/Derek, Mer/Finn, George/Lexie, Mark/Addison, Izzie/Denny (excluding dead!Denny), Meredith/Derek, George/Olivia, a little Lexie/Mark.
AU (interesting depending on the context): Callie/Derek, Izzie/Derek, Izzie/Mark, Addison/Burke, George/Addison, Meredith/Alex.


Castle/Beckett, Lainey/Esposito, Ryan/postcollege!Alexis, Beckett/Esposito.

How I Met Your Mother:

Barney/Robin, Ted/Robin, Marshall/Lily, a little Ted/Victoria (because their first meeting was SO. CUTE.) and a little Ted/Stella.
AU: Lily/Barney (only slightly, because I'm more curious about the idea than anything)


Chuck/Sarah, Morgan/Alex, Ellie/Awesome. Some Sarah/Shaw, Chuck/Hannah, Morgan/Karina (just for fun). A little Sarah/Bryce, Chuck/Jill,
Sarah/Cole, Chuck/Lou, Morgan/Anna.
AU: Morgan/Ellie (the idea is more fun in my head than in practice, me thinks, but I like it anyway), a touch of Sarah/Casey on occasion.
Brcye/Ellie, Bryce/Karina, Sarah/Devon and Casey/Ellie kind of intrigue me.

(*this list is by far the most complicated, with the blue 'verse, red 'verse and gold 'verse. Try to keep up if you can.)

Peter/Olivia, alt!Olivia/alt!Charlie, Lincoln/Olivia, alt!Lincoln/alt!Olivia, alt!Lincoln/Olivia, Lincoln/alt!Olivia, a little Charlie/Olivia, and even though she was bad, the storyarc was awesome so Peter/alt!Olivia.


Jeff/Annie, Jeff/Britta, Britta/Troy, Annie/Troy, Annie/Abed, Britta/Abed. (I cannot pick. You cannot make me.)

Battlestar Galactica:

Helo/Athena, Adama/Laura, Starbuck/Apollo (Kara/Lee), Sam/Kara, Billy/Dee, Lee/Dee, Chief/Boomer, Chief/Cally.
AU: Lee/Sharon (Athena or Boomer), Helo/Kara, Felix/Dee, Sam/Dee.

Studio 60:

Matt/Harriet, Jordan/Danny, Tom/Lucy.
AU: I could probably be persuaded to try some Jordan/Jack, and maybe a little Matt/Jeanie, or Danny/Harriet, and Darius/Lucy or Darius/Harriet...


Arthur/Ariadne, Cobb/Mal.
AU: A touch of Ariadne/Eames or Cobb/Ariadne if done right. Also Arthur/Mal, Eames/Mal, because why not?

Better Off Ted:

Ted/Linda, Ted/Veronica, Lem/Lucy.

Thor, Iron Man, Avengers etc:

Clint/Natasha, Thor/Jane, Sif/Loki, Tony/Pepper, Steve/Peggy.
AU: EVERYTHING ELSE. (No seriously.) Darcy/Steve, Darcy/Bruce, Darcy/Clint, Darcy/Tony, Darcy/Thor, Steve/Nat, Tony/Nat, Bruce/Nat, Thor/Nat, Phil/Nat, Steve/Pepper, Steve/Maria, Steve/Beth, Phil/Maria, Phil/Jane, Tony/Jane, Tony/Maria, Jane/Clint, Jane/Bruce, Jane/Steve, Maria/Steve, Maria/Fury, Clint/Sif, Thor/Sif, Nat/Bucky, Darcy/Bucky...  did I miss any? (I've read something for more than 75% of these, and would be open to reading something on the rest)

Burn Notice

Micheal/Fi, Jesse/Fi, Sam/Fi, Sam/Elsa.

AU: Micheal/Carla (you heard me), Micheal/Pearce, Jesse/Pearce.

The Office:

Jim/Pam, Andy/Erin. A touch of Dwight/Angela.

Star Trek 2009:

Scotty/Gaila, McCoy/OC and Kirk/OC (if done right), Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Uhura, Kirk/Gaila.


Syd/Vaughn, Syd/Will, Will/Good!Francie, Weiss/Nadia, Marshall/Carrie, Rachel/Sark, Tom/Rachel. Kind of Sark/Lauren.
AU: Syd/Sark (I'm intrigued by the chemistry these two seem to have)

Pushing Daisies:

Ned/Chuck. A little Olive/Alfredo, Olive/Randy, Ned/Olive.


Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee, Zoe/Wash.
AU: Kaylee/Mal or Kaylee/Wash can be ok IF done properly.

Game of Thrones
(*season 1 and 2 - haven't finished the book series yet)

Ned/Catelyn, Robb/Talisa, Tyrion/Shae, Arya/Gendry, Dany/Jorah Mormont.
AU: Dany/Jon Snow (you heard me), Sansa/Jaime, Sansa/The Dog, Cersei/Ned, Catelyn/Jaime, Jon/Ygritte


Ross/Rachel, Monica/Chandler, Phoebe/Mike. A little Monica/Richard, Ross/Emily, Phoebe/David.
AU: Joey/Phoebe. Rachel/Chandler, Ross/Phoebe, Monica/Joey.

Big Bang Theory:

Sheldon/Penny, a little Sheldon/Amy.

Hawaii Five-O:

Danny/Kono, Danny/Rachel

X-Men (the movies - including First Class):

Jean/Scott, Jean/Logan, Mystique/Magneto, Rogue/Bobby.
AU: Logan/Storm (if done right)

Star Wars:

Han/Leia, Anakin/Padme. The occasional Obi-Wan/OC, if done right.
AU: Qui-Gon/Shmi

Lord of the Rings:

Aragorn/Arwen, Legolas/OC (if done right), Sam/Rosie! Eowyn/Faramir.
AU: A little Eowyn/Aragorn.

Heroes (up to mid-S3):

Peter/Caitlyn, Claire/Zach, Simone/Isaak, Simone/Peter, Hiro/Charlie. Kind of Elle/Sylar.
AU: Claire/Peter (making them believably unrelated, b/c they have great chemistry), Daphne/Ando


Tripp/T'Pol, Reed/Hoshi.

AU: T'Pol/Archer, T'Pol/Reed, Hoshi/Tripp

Kyle XY:

Kyle/Amanda, Josh/Andi.

Pirates of the Caribbean:

Will/Elisabeth, Jack/Ana Maria. Period.

Mad Men

Don/Joan, Roger/Joan, Peggy/Pete, Betty/Henry, Lane/Joan

Misc other ships: Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled), Miranda/Gary (Miranda), various well-written crossover ships, Kel/Dom (Protector of the Small series), Bobby/Loor (Pendragon series), Kermit/Piggy (The Muppets), Flyod/Janice (Muppets), Gonzo/Camilla (Muppets), Janice/Gonzo (Muppets - because I just thought of this the other day, because they're my favs, and it'd be hilariously weird).

Prepare for this to be continually updated, but there you have it for now. :D


misc: general, *procrastination, *ship list, #irrelevant rambling

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