Fic Round Up Deux + Vids!!

Oct 12, 2010 19:57

Hey all! First off, GREAT news: I have finally scraped enough money together to purchase my CS5 upgrade, so it should be in my possession within a couple weeks, so prepare yourself for an abrupt explosion of art. I can only imagine I'm going to go wild, seeing as how I basically have gone cold turkey since June/July-ish. *sigh*

Anyways, in the meantime, I've been quite productive in other ways. In the post before this one, I linked you to the Terminator vid I made, and in this post, I'll link you to the other two I've done, as well as do a quick fic round up... after the jump.


Title: The Day He Didn't Die
Summary: He was slumped sideways in an awkward and painful looking way on the little chair. She approached him slowly, afraid she was too late... A tag to the end of the movie and companion to "The Day I Die". Oneshot.
Genre: Brother's Bloom
Characters and/or Ships: Stephen, Bang Bang
Rating: PG

Title: Snapshots
Summary: The moments you didn't see, the inner thoughts which remained hidden, the minutes which passed by, unnoticed; the time that was... LOST. A collection of one-shots and "deleted scenes". Various characters, genres and pairings. No slash. Complete.
Genre: Lost
Characters and/or Ships: Various, no slash.
Rating: G-PG
*This one I started ages ago and decided to cap recently after adding one more, bringing the chapters/oneshots up to 24. Since the series is over, I want to start fresh with a new collection, especially since many of ideas and perceptions have changed (ex. I used to totally loathe Juliet but I really quite like her now).

Title: Guys Like Him and Girls Like Her
Summary: They came from different parts of the world, from different lives, and she'd be crazy to think they could be something more. Charlotte/Daniel Oneshot.
Genre: Lost
Characters and/or Ships: Charlotte/Daniel, Miles
Rating: PG
*A really old one I only recently posted.

Title: On Someone Else's Shore
Summary: During his time in limbo searching for Saito, Dom finds someone who isn't waiting to die alone - he's already dead. Complete.
Genre: Inception / Harry Potter crossover
Characters and/or Ships: Dom Cobb, Sirius Black
Rating: PG

Title: Casey vs. The Space Hole Rift Thingy
Summary: Because when you're separated by a few hundred years and several galaxies, it's not like sitting down for lunch is a probable or common occurrence. Oneshot.
Genre: Chuck / Firefly crossover
Characters and/or Ships: Casey, Chuck, Sarah, Mal, Zoe, and of course Jayne.
Rating: PG
*This was just for pure fun, and a creative outlet, lol.

Title: The Juice & Muffin Quandary
Summary: It's not just the orange juice with too much pulp or the over toasted English muffin - but Sheldon's not about to admit that. Oneshot. S3 Finale. Barest hint of Sheldon/Penny.
Genre: Big Bang Theory
Characters and/or Ships: Sheldon/Penny, Leonard
Rating: PG

Title: Goodbye
Summary: George would only be gone for a few hours and he'd be back with news. He didn't think he needed to say goodbye just yet. Oneshot. S5 Finale.
Genre: Grey's Anatomy
Characters and/or Ships: George
Rating: PG

Title: Blue Sun Thanks You
Summary: He was eager to begin working on technology involving dreams. Though his roommate had qualms about the ethics behind it all, he was only interested in pushing the limits of the minds of the students at the Academy - like River. Oneshot. BDM & Ariel.
Genre: Inception / Firefly crossover
Characters and/or Ships: River and I can't really say, else I give it all away.
Rating: PG-13 for general creepiness and very slight gore
*I'm quite proud of how creepy this one turned out - sadly, it's painfully lacking in reviews. Oh well, that's what happens with crossovers. Reviews pop in sporadically from time to time.

Title: Our Girl
Summary: Ryan and Esposito explain why they weren't terribly happy with Castle when he finally got back after being gone all summer. A tag to the S3 premiere, "A Deadly Affair". A touch of bromance and Castle/Beckett. Oneshot.
Genre: Castle
Characters and/or Ships: Castle, Ryan, Esposito
Rating: PG

According to, I've written 109 stories. 0_0 I had no idea, lol. Somehow in my head I've got like a solid 40-ish.

Any and all feedback on any story of mine would me massively appreciated. You do not need to be registered on the site or anything to leave a comment, so give it a whirl!


Let me just say that the more I work with Vegas, the more confident I feel in it. I certainly don't feel up to par with pretty well any of my fav vidders, nor do I feel I'll be up there any time soon, but I am having a lot of fun experimenting and trying things, and especially getting some of the vids I've had in head for a million years out of my head!

Fandom: Terminator
Song: "Days Are Numbered" by Billy Klippert
*Yes, I technically already linked this, but I figure it's a good idea to have all these in one spot for future reference.

image Click to view

Fandom: Catch Me If You Can
Song: "Med Blodnasir" by Sigur Ros

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Fandom: Serendipity
Song: "Far Away" by Nickelback

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I am currently quite intimidated by the idea of working on a TV fanvid - like for Grey's or Lost - as I am very daunted by the idea of sifting through hours upon hours of episodes for the rights scenes/shots, but I will get there someday (promise) as I have about a billion fanvid ideas for each  of those. :D

Comments are massively appreciated, either here or in my YT account, or whatevs. Thanks for stopping in!

Oh, and anyone enjoying the new TV season?


vid: serendipity, ship: sheldon/penny, tv: chuck, *vid round up, ship: daniel/charlotte, ship: castle/beckett, vid: catch me if you can, fic: crossover, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: lost, book: harry potter, *fic round up, writing, fanfiction, character: rick castle, movie: brothers bloom, character: george o'malley

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