Update: Despair + Hope?

Aug 02, 2010 21:41

Ok, just so y'all know that I haven't died...! Here's the deal. My wonderful laptop, which served me so wonderfully for almost 6 years, literally just up and died one day, taking many things, like my Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop!!! *sob*) with it. I did once upon a time purchase it for school/college, but have since misplaced the discs/package and therefore could not reinstall on the new laptop which I recently purchased. I do have a friend who happened to have CS2, lent it to me, but his licenses are expired/used up, so until I can afford to buy the CS5 upgrade (a good couple more paychecks from now, unfortunately, b/c I'm kind of a pauper these days, LOL) I have no functioning Photoshop.

I did have a fair number of Jack / Lost finale icons that I'd been planning to post, literally the night my laptop went DEATH, and as luck would have it, those would happen to be the ones I had not yet saved to the safety of my beloved external hard drive - which, THANK GOODNESS held most of my most precious stuff (writing, back ups, art, etc). Still, I'm stuck being artless until likely at least next month when I can purchase the upgrade. *SIGH*

So, on the bright side! I do now own a new laptop (it's lovely and has lots of "juice", but the keyboard is very wide and strange, and I miss my old one! I never got to say a proper goodybye... *sob* Lol), and something I've been wanting for a million years: Sony Vegas. I got it last week and spent about three days crash-coursing my way through it, before coming up with the below video.

(Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI8oErYvEfA )

image Click to view

The song is "Days Are Numbered" by Billy Kilppert, and the movie used was "Terminator". I'm actually not really much of a Terminator fan, but ever since I first heard this song several years ago, I've been absolutely itching to do a vid for it, so here it finally is. :D

Lastly, as a result of my dead laptop, compounded with the busiest month of my life, a ton of house-sitting at houses with ultra slow computers and/or internet, I am WAY behind in posting on my various sites (FanForum, for example, I've been pretty much popping in on one of my most fav threads and having to ignore everything else), review replies to my fics (I think I'm at least two months behind on that - YEESH), PMs (from here, FF.net or FanForum), and so much more. Let me just say: I PROMISE I have NOT forgotten about you, or ignored your message/comment/PM/etc. I WILL get to it eventually! I'm just having quite the time of it in RL as of late!

And art will come after I get this CS5/license/blah blah mess all sorted out. :S

OH, and one more thing. If you haven't yet seen the new movie "Inception" with Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page and Jospeh Gordon-Levitt, you MUST. GO. RIGHT. NOW. It is probably the best movie I've seen in a long time (*coughthreetimescough*) and I can't stop thinking about it. It's original, fantastic, excellent action and effects and above all SMART, which is a relief and so awesome in today's Hollywood of ultra recycled or dumbed-down crap.


#update, #news, vid: terminator

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