(no subject)

Apr 27, 2010 22:05

Allo everyone!

Long time no see... I've been busy. Work sucks and I'm constantly tired and work really sucks b/c of certain stuff... and anyways. On a lighter note, however, I am royally obsessed with Lost and amping up for the finale on May 23rd! (I'm having a theme party!!) And, I've been making lots of art. :) There's also several desktops which I seem to have not posted before now, so those will be posted now too.

After the jump, take a looksey at the bounty of icons and desktops I have for ye... [Note: Not a slow-connection-friendly post]



A lot of these were requests, so remember I'm open to doing something for you too! Just ask me in a comment. ;)


(for hann @ fanforum.com)


(for irulan, and the rest of V posters at fanforum.com)

(Side Note: I have REEAAALLLY fallen out of love with this show. The pilot was fantastically impressive, but I feel it's just gone so far downhill so fast, I can barely watch it anymore - not mention that Tyler irritates me to death, lol. I still enjoy making icons, though, because then I get to play with coloring! Yay!!)



Erica & Jack





The Actors & Actresses of V

Morena Baccarin


Morris Chestnut


Elizabeth Mitchell


Joel Gretsch



Flocke [Fake!Locke]


(from 6.11 - "Happily Ever After")











Survivor - Heroes Vs. Villains (Season 20)

Survivor - Borneo (Season 1)


( ^ I have a tutorial for this HERE!)

Lady Antebellum

Evangeline Lily

Leonard Nimoy

(Amazing side note: I made this for Leonard Nimoy, to give to him, as I got to meet Mr. Nimoy himself this past weekend at an Expo!! I'm personally not much of a Trekkie - much more of one since the new movie, however! - but how freaking cool was it to meet him, I can't even tell you. :D Got my pic taken with him and everything. The only problem was the seven-hundred-bazillion other people who were there to see him, so we were shunted through the line so quick - both for the photo op and the autograph, both of which I paid WAY too much for, let's just say - it royally sucked. But I now own a signed copy of Wrath of Khan! I also got to meet Billy Dee Williams (he signed my Empire Strikes Back - I'm the Star Wars version of a Trekkie), Brent Spiner, and Tahmoh Penikitt. Malcolm McDowell, Tony Todd, Aaron Douglas and Erin Gray were also there, although I didn't meet any of them - almost walked straight into Tony Todd about three separate times...!)

Sherlock Holmes

Brothers Bloom


6.06 - Sundown

6.07 - Dr. Linus

6.09 - Ab Aeterno
(One of the best episodes of the entire series, IMO!)

Sawyer & Juliet

Same rules as always! No hotlinking, cred appreciated, icons may be used as a base if you want as long as you cred, and I have full-size desktop/wallpapers available on request.

Thanks for looking, and hope you enjoyed! Comments are LOVE. :D


actress: evangeline lilly, tv: survivor, misc, actor: joel gretsch, movie: sherlock holmes, character: ilanna verdansky, tv: chuck, actress: morena baccarin, tv: survivor: pilau tiga, tv: survivor: heroes vs villains, art: desktops, movie: moon, !tutorial: photoshop, musician: lady antebellum, character: sayid jarrah, art: avatars, ship: sawyer/juliet, ship: jack/erica, character: jacob, tv: lost, actor: morris chestnut, actress: elizabeth mitchell, tv: v, character: daniel faraday, character: man in black/smokey, character: morgan grimes, character: john locke, actor: leonard nimoy, art: icons, movie: brothers bloom

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