
Mar 31, 2010 21:53

Most of you already follow me on (here) but for those of you who don't, I want to do a quick round-up of my recent fics. Click on the titles to go read and reviews and/or comments are super appreciated (you don't have to be registered there to leave one). :) Check the rest out under the cut.

Title: All The Things He's Not
Summary: Castle isn't super strong or much of a runner and he's certainly never attempted to break down a door before. But there he is, running and breaking down doors, because he can't consider the possibility that she's gone. Castle/Beckett Oneshot.
Genre: Castle
Characters and/or Ships: Castle/Beckett
Rating: PG

Title: Torn to Tattered
Summary: When tragedy strikes close to Izzie's heart, it's George and Alex who must be there for her. But a fateful decision that leads George overseas will dramatically change all of their lives forever. Izzie/Alex, Izzie/George. AU Post-S5.
Genre: Grey's Anatomy
Characters and/or Ships: Izzie/Alex, Izzie/George, various others characters and OCs.
Rating: PG-13

Title:It Isn't Just Coffee (Anymore)
Summary: She belatedly remembered that this was Alex's room and not George's and she doubted he'd be up to sharing his bed like George did. But right then she didn't care and frankly didn't care if Alex cared. Then he bought her a coffee. Meredith/Alex. AU Oneshot
Genre: Grey's Anatomy
Characters and/or Ships: Meredith/Alex, mentions of Mer/Der and Addison/Derek
Rating: PG

Title:What They Don't See
Summary: It wasn't something they expected or something they even thought they wanted. They had practically nothing in common, and besides, she was way out of of his league... George/Addison. Oneshot. Go on, give it a try.
Genre: Grey's Anatomy
Characters and/or Ships: George/Addison, mentions of various other ships
Rating: PG

Title:All I Want Is You
Summary: A collection of moments in the lives of George and Izzie. #13 Test - In which Meredith and Izzie ask George some questions. Complete.
Genre: Grey's Anatomy
Characters and/or Ships: George/Izzie, Meredith, Alex, Cristina
Rating: Various G-PG-13 (mostly PG)

Title: The Day I Die
Summary: He's your brother and you love him, but right now you're pretty sure you hate him. Bloom, from the moment when he realizes what he wants is an unwritten life to the moment he gets it, and realizes what he lost in the process.
Genre: The Brothers Bloom
Characters and/or Ships:
Rating: PG

Summary: The reset worked... or did it? Catherine and the team investigate a series of especially strange deaths, where the victims all coincidentally happen to have been on Oceanic flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles. Oneshot. Post S5 Lost Finale.
Genre: Lost/CSI crossover
Characters and/or Ships: Boone, Shannon, Charlie, Catherine, Nick, Greg, Doc Robbins
Rating: PG

Summary: You’re so deeply worried about him leaving, like everyone always does. But in fact, it’s you who does the leaving. Shannon/Sayid, slight Shannon/Boone. Oneshot.
Genre: Lost
Characters and/or Ships: Shannon/Boone, Shannon/Sayid
Rating: PG

Title:Best In Show
Summary: It’s another hot summer day. Sirius and James have found themselves with nothing to do, and sadly, Snivelly is no where in sight. So what do they do to cure their boredom instead? Oneshot.
Genre: Harry Potter
Characters and/or Ships: Sirius, James
Rating: G

Summary: When Sarah Walker was a new agent, she thought she could keep her spy life and love life separate. After a car chase gone wrong, she meets Jack Shepherd and learns the hard way that in the CIA, there's no juggling love and duty.
Genre: Lost/Chuck crossover
Characters and/or Ships: Sarah/Jack
Rating: PG

Thanks for looking and hopefully reading. :D If anyone would rather see me post chapters and/or stories here instead of links, let me know. Later!


P.S. Super psyched for Survivor tomorrow. GO RUSSELL!

ship: alex/meredith, ship: george/izzie, tv: chuck, ship: castle/beckett, fic: crossover, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: lost, book: harry potter, ship: boone/shannon, fic, tv: csi, *fic round up, writing, fanfiction, movie: brothers bloom, ship: george/addison

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