the law of threes

Aug 08, 2004 22:39

a retraction
I would like to prostrate at the foot of Ms. I'm-So-Smart-Yet-I-Don't-Know-What-A-Gerbil-Is in sincerest apology for calling her Ms. I'm-So-Smart-Yet-I-Don't-Know-What-A-Gerbil-Is. That totally blows ass of me. Not only am I sorry for calling her out like that, I'm also sorry that she doesn't know what a gerbil is. Here, my friend. ( Read more... )

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kenopolis August 8 2004, 22:50:10 UTC
"I may be a shitty friend, but at least I don't make cute little animals cry because they're going to be killed for your fat computer chair-shaped ass."

I had no choice Jay, you know that. I know you arn't talking about me, because I don't have a fat ass... But it still stung a little.

And Jay, always remember, it takes 2 to tango... You have always been a good friend to me, and I often feel like I've been neglecting my duties in the friend dept... But the fact remains, whatever you need, whenever...

BTW, you need anything in preperation for your move? I've got Thursday and Friday off if you want to take me up on a meal at Blue Bird.


kenopolis August 8 2004, 22:51:30 UTC
Oh, and I've got Jason's boxes and tape guns... they helped me, and they can help you!

Or does Jason want them back? Hmmm...


What he said... jasonanonymous August 9 2004, 07:58:40 UTC
Yeah. What he said.

...and I like "Sweet Cheeks" or "Tootie-Tang" better than "Buttnugget", by the way.

Maybe you could combine them, something like "Sweet Cheeks Buttnugget". I don't know...

But anyway, if you can use those boxes/tape/tape guns, go ahead and snag 'em from Ken. Donate/recycle the boxes and send the tape guns back (or leave 'em here in town and I'll come get 'em.



Re: What he said... recycling August 9 2004, 16:52:18 UTC
How about "Sweetnugget"?

That one sounds all sorts of awesome. :)


Re: What he said... jasonanonymous August 9 2004, 19:06:49 UTC



recycling August 9 2004, 16:04:24 UTC
I'm willing to bet that Jason will want 'em back. Him and his stuff my part easily, but they're also magnetically attracted. You don't want his tape guns crashing out of your window, or wake up at 6 in the morning and see Jason on the other side of your window like one of those suction-cup Garfields. Because..ask Rob..that shit does happen.


jasonanonymous August 9 2004, 19:08:54 UTC
It sucks having to wake folks up at 2:00 AM by pounding on their window... no matter how many floors above the ground it may be.


I was in Desoto and Lawrence today.


recycling August 9 2004, 20:13:09 UTC
So was "The Rack."


I didn't spot her. jasonanonymous August 10 2004, 08:16:27 UTC
I wasn't looking, either. Hollie had a day off, and we were driving around listening to an audi obook about dead bodies, and found a $20 in the glove box, so we decided to pick a destination and drive.

We did the "Old West Architecture" tour as well as rode "Quantrill's Raid". Hell, we even went to the Natural History museum on campus and I saw stuff I'd only seen in books, but in real life.

...and we still had enough left over to eat at a Taco John's!

You know, Kansas sucks and all, but it makes me think that Lawrence might not be so bad. Hollie loves school, and could easily secure a job there and continue going to school forever. I could easily secure a job there (they're a big Mac town), and she could have the old, haunted Victorian home she always wanted and ride a Vespa everywhere.

Awww, but it's Kansas. I can't live there - then I'll suck, too!


Sorry to hear about that crap with your fam. If'n you form a lynch mob, I've got your back.


Re: I didn't spot her. recycling August 10 2004, 21:57:04 UTC
Taco John's? Where the fuck is a Taco John's out there? When did this happen and WHY wasn't I notified until now? The only other one I know about is in Chillicothe..and don't think I haven't gone all the way up there a few times just to go to Taco John's.

But yeah, Lawrence wouldn't be so a matter of fact that's probably the only town in Kansas worth living in, IMHO. The rest of it is just kind of a shithole. Especially Wichita.

The lynch mob will be forming up shortly, thank you for volunteering. We're going to need your rabbling skills, for certain.


Re: I didn't spot her. jasonanonymous August 11 2004, 07:37:58 UTC
I saw at least 2 in Lawrence, and I know there's at least one in Saint Joseph, one in O;athe (off of 151st) and one off of K-32. Taco John's are all over, you just have to look.

And I totally agree about the rest of Kansas.


I still have some rope left over from when we lynched that salsa guy...


recycling August 9 2004, 16:01:44 UTC
Yeah, seriously..and I do mean seriously..don't be one of those parents that raise their kid on junk, okay? Make sure that McDonald's is only for special occasions, like when they've been really good. It doesn't matter if they like it or not, because after reading the nonsense I've read over the past few months, it really will be for Amelia's own good.

But nah, I'm cool about the move. I don't have much stuff to pack up. My only concern is that claptrap I call my personal automobile, and I'm getting together with Jason about that later this week.


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