just a f.u thoughts

Oct 26, 2005 10:36

am currently sportin wigga-unit.
my own style of:
wearing a hurley hoody
JNCO jeans.
but these jeans arent normal jeans,
they're the ones i wore in 7th grade.
they're soo big that back in the day
the army used them to...
parachute from an airplane(s).

im either sick or getting sick
or paranoid of being either of the two.

i like chocolate chip cookies.
Wheeling reminds me of a chocolate chip cookie.
a buncha brown and then some black.
ps. im not racist, i just appreciate humor.

ever wonder if a car gets tired of standing
when its parked for a long time?
ehh, ehhh? *elbow nudge*

quote(s) of the day:
Kramer: You think that dentists are so different from me and you? They came to this country just like everybody else, in search of a dream.
Jerry: Kramer, he's just a dentist.
Kramer: Yeah, and you're an anti-dentite.
Jerry: I am not an anti-dentite!
Kramer: You're a rabid anti-dentite! Oh, it starts with a few jokes and some slurs. "Hey, denty!" Next thing you know you're saying they should have their own schools.
Jerry: They do have their own schools!


"I mean hey, I'm a nice person. When I see freaks on the street I don't stare, but I'm careful not to look away. See, because I want the freaks to feel comfortable. That's nice for the freaks." --Elaine and Kramer

If you were captured by an alien,
would you rather
be put in the zoo or the circus?

Im thinkin about making a myspace group
for people that like
and soo on.
pretty much the kind of humor i enjoy.
anyone wanna help mee make one,
or even join it?

actually, i knoe you wanna join it cuz...
you've read this whole entry,
unless you just totally skipped down to the end.
in that case, f.uck you.
i dont even want you in it.

i need a name for it.

how's everyone doing?
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