recsrainbow Sep 14, 2007 13:11
rome, thoughtcrimes, history boys, traveler, harry potter, -- gen, -- het, age of sail: pirates of the caribbean, -- slash/yaoi, rpf: actors: cw, heroes, supernatural, fast and the furious, prison break, who-verse: doctor who, -- femslash/yuri, battlestar galactica, profit, -- poly, rpf, |recs @, ugly betty, who-verse: torchwood, - fanvid, stargate: atlantis, house m.d., {updates, rpf: actors: heroes
recsrainbow Jun 30, 2007 15:42
lost, rome, x-men, traveler, robin hood, harry potter, rpf: sports, -- gen, -- het, night watch/nochnoi dozor, age of sail: pirates of the caribbean, heroes, supernatural, shakespeare, battlestar galactica, -- poly, |recs @, who-verse: torchwood, jossverse: btvs, brimstone, history boys, alias, lord of war, -- slash/yaoi, -- crossover, rpf: actors: cw, jossverse: firefly/serenity, the tudors, -- femslash/yuri, profit, ugly betty, rpf, stargate: atlantis, - fanvid, veronica mars, house m.d., {updates