[Site Update] Recs@Paperpilots.net

Sep 26, 2008 11:30

Site name: Recs@Paperpilots.net
Site URL(s):http://recs.paperpilots.net/

FPF: Buffy/Angel (slash), BSG (het, slash, threesome), Doctor Who (Gen, het), Eureka (slash), Gossip Girl (het, slash), Heroes (slash), History Boys (slash), House MD (gen, slash, threesome), Jeeves & Wooster (slash), Live Free or Die Hard (slash), Once a thief (threesome), OZ (slash), Prison Break (slash), Psych (slash), Robin Hood (gen, slash), Sarah Connor Chronicles (gen, het), SGA (gen, het, slash, threesome), Supernatural (Gen,Slash), Torchwood (het, slash, threesome),Twilight (het, slash, threesome), Veronica Mars (het), Mythology (slash), Cross over (het, slash), Misc Gen (Justice, Moonlight), Misc Het (Iron Man, Labyrinth, The Middleman), Misc Slash (Batman, Being Human, Blood Ties, The Breakfast Club, Fantastic Four, Good Omens, Iron Man, Jericho, Justice, Primeval, The Tudors, Velvet Goldmine)
RPF: misc acting (slash), Sports (slash: F1, Figure Skating, Tennis), SGA (slash), Supernatural (slash), Other (slash)
VIDS: Gen (BSG, SGA, crossover)

good omens, jericho, primeval, iron man, robin hood, rpf: sports, -- gen, middleman, -- het, heroes, gossip girl, supernatural, mythology, rpf: actors, who-verse: doctor who, battlestar galactica, die hard: 4, moonlight, |recs @ paperpilots.net, who-verse: torchwood, jossverse: btvs, once a thief, dcu: batman, blood ties, jeeves and wooster, rpf: actors: stargate: atlantis, rpf: sports: formula 1, labyrinth, jossverse: ats, history boys, rpf: sports: figure skating, -- slash/yaoi, oz, the terminator: tscc, -- crossover, rpf: actors: cw, the tudors, prison break, psych, breakfast club, twilight, rpf, justice, being human, - fanvid, stargate: atlantis, veronica mars, house m.d., velvet goldmine, rpf: sports: tennis, {updates, fantastic four

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