[Site Update] Epic Recs

Sep 23, 2008 10:53

Site name: Epic Recs
Site URL(s): epic_recs

Updates: The Sentinel(48), Stargate: Atlantis (45), Due South (33), Harry Potter (32), Smallville (19), Highlander (19), Jeeves and Wooster (16), Samurai Champloo (10), Vids (9), CSI (7), House (7), Stargate SG-1 (7), Jane Austen (7), Magnificent 7 (6), Star Trek Universe (6), Sports Night (6), DC Universe (5), Dr. Who (5), Buffy (5), Original Fic (5), Supernatural RPS (4), Final Fantasy (4), Hikaru no Go (4), Naruto (3), High School Musical (3), Firefly (3), Ruroni Kenshin (3), Marvel Universe (2), Ugly Betty (2), Die Hard 4 (2), Psych (2), Disney movies (2), Ghostbusters (2), Love Mode (2), The OC (2), Numb3rs (2), X-Files (2), and one each in: LotR RPS, Terminatore Universe, Hot Fuzz, Gone with the Wind, Quantum Leap, Care Bears, Replacement Killers, MacGyver, Bones, Colbert Report, Hannibal, Grey's Anatomy, Torchwood, Newsies, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, Princess Tutu, Hey Arnold, Dresden Files, Spiderman, and Brokeback Mountain

sherlock holmes, quantum leap, spider-man, rpf: actors: lord of the rings, harry potter, gone with the wind, grey's anatomy, hannibal, macgyver, x-files, the terminator, magnificent 7, supernatural, stargate: sg1, c6d: due south, newsies, samurai champloo, care bears, smallville, die hard: 4, love mode, disney, highlander, who-verse: torchwood, star trek, rpf: pundits: colbert report, the sentinel, the o.c., jeeves and wooster, |epic_recs, dresden files, jane austen, brokeback mountain, bones, numb3rs, hey arnold, princess tutu, ghostbusters, csi, psych, ugly betty, replacement killers, stargate: atlantis, - fanvid, hot fuzz, house m.d., marvel-verse, {updates

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