Feb 12, 2010 01:06
The frustrations swish back and forth like the confused LA winds. Not knowing my immediate future bugs me. Not having motivation scares me. Not having funds to do anything sucks ass. Not doing anything productive makes me feel as if I'm wasting my life away. Not having a normal schedule throws my balance to a whack. Not eating in a healthy manner adds to the pounds.
These frustrations are easily fixed with my adventure to South Korea. Once there I know what is expected of me. Teaching lil youngsters the universal language to appease their parents and nation. Not having to pay for rent for a full year will be the shit. Having money roll in to save, pay off and spend will soothe the sourness I've carried on my tongue. Exploring new traditions, land and language exhilarates my multi-cultural taste buds. Learning and filling my days with tasks will leave me with a belly of plenitude, allowing for a regimen to stabilize. And lack of Mexican lard from my diet will shed that extra baggage I so wholeheartedly yearn to let go.