more whining

Sep 16, 2006 02:40

Somedays your petty side really wants to come and out wage war. I mean, mine does. Now.

[much edited out] Then tried to be objective about what the hell I would miss of this great city. Results: The Met, the NYPL request system which let you put a hold on a book before it's published, the assertion that this is a healthy place to live and we want to live here, durn it. That's entertaining, in a look-at-the-idiots way.

I've seen Shakespeare plays and don't feel the need to spend a day in the sun to get tickets to an outdoor showing. I'd like to travel in a straight line to where I'm going. Or at least something approaching logical directions. I'd like to not carry everything I need on crowded public transport. I'd like some part of my commute to smell good. Commute - isn't it great? All electrical, so many power supplies are possible; easy to budget at $76/month; plenty of diversity (in which language would you like to be cussed at?); [more editing] Permanent possibility of being robbed and groped at the same time [more editing] 14 miles takes an hour. I know I could ride a bike faster, but am scared of getting run over and permanent lung damage.

Therefore, though I am not sure this is the right action, I'm moving back to Florida. It'd be nice to know my family better; to have my rent go towards something (meaning a mortgage), to not feel penned in with stink bombs. Yes, to drive my fossil fuel car. Yes, to live without the protection of knowing there are police officers around the corner. Without 24-hour bodegas, and being afraid to get knives sharpened, because you can't take them on public transportation. Without counting quarters to do your laundry. Without a ventilation shaft counting as a window. Without knowing everyone can see you and you don't want to see all these people. [more editing]

So, yeah. Anybosy need a ride to Florida on New Year's?
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