Apr 13, 2005 21:18
Just some thoughts that came to me during the morning service...
Why must you - all of you - strive without ceasing to create strife among yourselves and drag me down into it as well? Mindless bickering seems to be the heart's chief desire. Life is a gift; why do you abuse it as you do? Forming cheap bonds then wrecking them as the paint dries. Open your eyes, child of God -and you ARE still a child - and recieve the joy offered you. Put away your naive and immature notions of love and purpose and revel in the love of God. Love is not found in pretty eyes and soft lips. Love each other as Christ loves you Imagine the precious hours you have lost on loves and aquaintances which turned sour. Choose the love of Christ which will NEVER DIE! Focus on doing God's will and trust Him to guide your life. Make this love your priority, let it overwhelm you. He will not forsake you . Trust Him and He will show you a love like none you could imagine.