A Whole New World - Prologue

May 22, 2011 00:26

Title: A Whole New World

Author: reckless_thing

Rating: NC-17

Word count: 1,207

Characters: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Chad Michael Murray, Christian Kane, Steve Carlson, Sophia Bush, Danneel Harris

Warnings: Angst, underage sex, abuse, almost non-con (very brief) and swearing.

Summary: What happens when fate brings a homeless boy who is wanted by the police, already juggling more than anyone could understand and a poor little rich boy together?

Author’s Note: So, it turns out I can’t read/watch/listen to anything without making it into J2’d goodness! So yes, this is the J2 remix of the Disney classic Aladdin (my favourite movie as a child).  Also this is a work in progress but I am very close to being finish. I will be updating chapters once a week so stay tuned!



Kane has been waiting, he never waits, if someone doesn’t appear on time he usually would send the guards after them and solve the problem, but this was extraordinary circumstances.

It’s a warm night in Austin, thick waves of wind in the air sweep across his arms like the touch of a woman - or man, he’s never been that picky. The stars are bright and the moon is large and almost blindingly silver but Kane doesn’t care much of Earth’s natural treasures, he only cares for the supernatural treasures.

In the distance on the deserted beaten off track there is gravel crunching as wheels slowly roll an old rusty car towards Kane.

When the short, weak, unshaven and generally mediocre man climbs out of his car Kane looks at him, eyes burning, power in his stance, arms crossed over his chest with Carlson kneeling beside him, head bowed.

The man looks up at Kane with fear in his eyes.

“You are late.” He says, straightening his shoulders and narrowing his eyes.

The peasant stammers for a moment, “M - my apologies, I’m really very sorry, I had trouble -”

Kane raises his hand silencing the man; he doesn’t worry himself about this peasant’s lousy excuses. He is looking for one thing and one thing only, “You have it then?”

A small smile pulls at the corner of the man’s mouth, “I had to dispose of some bodies but I got it!”

Opening his hand in a smooth movement, Kane gestures for the item.

The man reaches into his back pocket of his jeans and then Kane sees it, a few pieces of paper folded into tight little squares held between the mans index and thumb.

“You know that if you are lying to me, if you’re giving me false information I will have my guards find you and you will experience true pain.” Kane warns with a snarl.

The man’s eyes bulge and Kane leans forward slightly, he can practically see the uncertainty in his face.

“I - It’s true. I - I swear!”
The feeling of success is almost overwhelming. “Well, hand it over.” Kane urges, his hand moving to grab the information.

“Uh-uh-uh… First, I want my payment.” The imbecile says quickly, pulling his hand away. Anger boils underneath Kane’s skin, through his blood and he can taste it, bitter, on his tongue.

“Your job is only half done, my friend.” Kane retorts through gritted teeth.

“Wha -?”

Kane reaches into his pocket pulls out a wad of cash out showing it to the current pain in his ass. Pulling one bill out Kane throws it onto the ground.

The man scrambles for it before the wind can steal it away. A cloud of dust rises and when he stills the dirt settles on his clothes and shoes.

Kane looks down at The previously shiny shoes and his lip twitches and before he can motion for something to be done about it Carlson is quickly licking his hand and cleaning the dirt off.

“You will get the rest once you’ve finished the job. Completely.”

Kane surges forward using his advantage in height and muscle against the flimsy man, his forearm is strong and unmoving against the other mans collar bone holding him against his very expensive car. “Give Me. The Information.” Kane growls, bare millimeters away from his victims face.

He quickly snatches it from the other mans grip, triumph rippling through his veins and throws the man to the ground before brushing the lapels of his suit and climbing into his car. Carlson is close behind jumping in the seat behind the drivers.

Kane programs the directions into the GPS and once he is ready, keys in the ignition, lights on highlighting his path, Kane rolls down his window resting his elbow on the frame and smiles sarcastically at the man who is has barely gotten back onto his feet.

Kane huffs, amused, “I’m sorry.” The words obviously stun the man who looks back at him with unease. “It just occurred to me that I haven’t asked for your name,” Kane scoffs, “How rude of me.”

The man’s forehead creases before he stutters out, “Gr - Gregory.”

“Well… Greg, can I call you Greg?” He doesn’t wait for a response. “I would be quick, if I were you. If you don’t finish the job that you were hired for than you will not get your full payment and I will organize a little meet and greet for you and my guards.” Kane slips a cigarette in between his lips, holding his hand around the tip to protect the fire from the wind and lighting it up. The smoke soothes his mind and he smiles one last time at Greg, “They’re nice guys, unless you piss them off.”

Pulling the cigarette from between his lips and blowing blue-grey smoke into the night air, Kane reverses his sleek black car down the path and disappears.

It takes one hour and fifty-three minutes exactly to reach the cleverly hidden warehouse. When Kane had found out about this place it interested him immediately. Things that you could never imagine, dream of, comprehend. But the location was so concealed that no such place was supposed to exist. The contents of the warehouse have never been uncovered as the last owner was killed when a group of people from the black market became fed up with his resistance. Kane hired the best of the best to find it and apparently the most desperate are willing to do a lot for a surprisingly small amount of money.

Kane always accounts for things going wrong, so while he sits in his car waiting for Greg to catch up he quickly copies down the instructions onto a notepad and by the time he is finished the man has been standing stock still for a solid ten minutes.

“Read the instructions, do exactly as they say and should have no trouble.” Kane gives the copied instructions to Greg and the asshole doesn’t move. “Well, what are you waiting for?” Kane looks down at the man and puts a strong hand on his shoulder, grasping tightly. “Go on.” Kane shoves Greg hard in the direction.

Greg stumbles toward the large warehouse treading carefully and slowly.

Kane rolls his eyes, “Tick tock goes the clock!” He sings loudly, “I will shove my boot up your ass boy if you don’t hurry the fuck up!”

He watches from a safe enough distance, leaning on the bonnet of his car, picking another cigarette out of the packet.

Almost entranced by the way the smoke curls and dances and fades, Kane breathes in deeply loving the contrast of thin pure air and the thick taste of tobacco. His heart almost gives out when an ear piercing alarm sounds from the warehouse.

As expected the doors lock and Kane can hear the hurried, frantic pounding on the door as Greg is locked inside until the cops come. Who knows what’ll happen to the little shit.

“Whoops, must have copied the instructions down wrong.” Kane says to Carlson as he opens the driver’s side door, chuckling as he quickly deserts Greg and makes his quick escape back to the Governor Morgan’s mansion without being caught.

jared/jensen, magic!verse, nc-17

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