Seventy-Seventh Entry [Accidental Video]

Dec 01, 2011 17:28

[All right, so no matter what the future has to say about whether or not it's sinful to be in love with someone of the same sex, Poland is pretty damn sure that it's not ever okay to be married and all... chasing after someone else!]

[And it's not just the Catholicism hitting him with guilt, this time. The way Liet looked at him--he's been there, a million times over all the years, and for some reason... The one time Liet wanted his attention and faithfulness, it wasn't there. The one time Liet's ever felt what he feels all the time, he couldn't be there for him.]

[So he's out in the stables--that is, where he goes for privacy-- kneeling on a low stool in the corner with his rosary in hand. Just because there are no priests here doesn't mean he can't pray, or that he won't, whether for routine or for comfort.]

--quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo, ópere et omissióne:
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa.
Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper Vírginem,
omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres...

((OOC: Shit, son, the Latin usage just gets more gratuitous (and Google Translate-based on at least one end) from here :D ))

ain't no guilt like catholic guilt, bible time!, event aftermath, ic, may end in vodka and tears, entranceway, better than drinking it away, could use a hug, boys are stupid, event: mancrushes, gratuitous latin is go, video, apologizing is hard, mea maxima culpa

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