May 22, 2010 02:26

 Time for me to hop on the Lament Wagon on how being on LiveJournal isn't what it was like 5/6/7/8 years ago when we all first started. I remember the rave, the hate-tags, the love-tags, the tediousness of uploading pictures on Photobucket just to get it on LJ. I think I blame the alternative platforms that have usurped the novelties of LJ and leaving it to reduce and depreciate. The convenience of one-liner updates just trumps having to go online and write paragraphs, in the true essence of 'blogging'. And sometimes jeopardising a) sleep; b) brain cells; c) your language being made a mockery. Need I mention you can update one-liners through your phone? And who would read entries when Facebook shows pictures and pictures paint a thousand words? Imagine the trillions of words that Facebook churns out, it's no wonder it is called a 'book', get it? :p

But being an English major also implores myself to realise the importance of writing and reading, but who am I kidding 'tis the holiday season no one wants to read, true fact! Uh, not true. Give me a non-academic fiction anytime and I will stay in bed for as long as my bladder wills. So well speaking about the holidays, I need to land myself a job pronto because money is not going to land on my sorry bum because sadly, Dad doesn't 'Pay to (my) Bum'. I could write a book of puns, hey that's an idea!

So with the potential 50% cut on my allowance, it is worrying. I should start composing a resume about my whole life but we all know shortlisting is based just on the Mandarin language proficiency so what's the point? But to pull this entry together, I know that in my resume where at the part where I fill in my hobbies, I can no longer include 'blogging' as one of them. 
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