I'm feeling much better now that I'm stoned.

Mar 08, 2014 17:09

I think I already mentioned that I trashed my night-shift job because of the back problems. Well, now my back is complaining about too many hours at my day job.

I worked a near-full shift yesterday (yay) so I thought maybe things were getting better. I decided to go with just taking my Aleve today in the hope that my back was good enough that I could do normal things with maybe a little lifting. Well, I was wrong. No serious lifting today, but with normal bending my back started complaining after an hour or two. Left work early, drove home in a panic and took my drugs. Ugh. I seriously worry about becoming one of those people who get addicted to pain killers. Well, it's time to make an appointment with my nice new health insurance. I don't know how healthcare.gov is working for everybody, but I managed to get through it OK with a hiccup here and there.

In other news, my wireless router decided to die. It still works just fine for this computer, because it has an Ethernet cable connecting the router directly to the computer. But using my Roku and my laptop is out until my new router comes in the mail in a couple days.

Well, sort of.

It turns out that there is a nearby wireless router broadcasting without a password. It's possible that it's a business, but I doubt it because most businesses' networks refer to themselves with some cutesy name like iloverex (Rex hospital). It's certainly possible that this person/family has unlimited data, which makes me feel a little less guilty about using the Roku. I don't need to use the laptop at all, because my wife is in NJ. (More on that in one moment.) Even if I knew that the other people had unlimited data, I'd still be eating up their bandwidth. Here's a cartoon about doing the wrong thing when doing the right thing is difficult and the wrong thing is easy. Warning: NSFW due to some serious swearing.

Oh yes, my wife. My wife had this trip planned to Jersey for sometime to visit her mom and see the awesome flower show in Philadelphia. (She comes home on the 20th.) So, I can't blame her for going even if I didn't want her to because a) for selfish reasons: I'm injured and I want some sympathy b) for unselfish reasons: she always hates it when she goes, is utterly miserable by the time a week is up -- let alone the whole two weeks, and vows to never, ever go back. But she will. That's because as another cartoon said "Sometimes you have to choose between doing the smart thing and the right thing." In any case it's good that she did because two of her NJ relatives died ON THE SAME DAY. Sandy doesn't deal with death very well, so it's good that Cordelia is there to comfort her. To make things worse, Sandy was probably the closest of anyone to one of the relatives that died. His name was Martin and he had Down Syndrome. Just like everyone with DS, he died a slow death due to Alzheimer's. But... she is not the official next of kin. So, her relatives who couldn't give a crap about Martin when he was alive are now cremating him, carting him off to another state, and refusing to even let Sandy go to the service. I'm not going to elaborate on how I feel about that. I'll just say "Think of your favorite swear words". That should do it.

I reread this a few times to get rid of the typos, but I think I still sound stoned. Oh well.
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