Tell My Mother Not To Worry, Three Times Under

May 28, 2008 23:20

Torchwood: general series table

Claim: Torchwood: general series
Prompt: 36. Family
Title: Tell My Mother Not To Worry
Author: misslucyjane
Rating: PG
Length: medium
Brief summary: Sweet Jack/Ianto piece that gives some family background.

They went Sunday morning. Ianto called first, to be certain his father would be home, and spent most of the call telling him he didn't need to make them breakfast. Nonetheless, the little house smelled like eggs and bacon when Martin Jones opened the door, and Jack looked away as father and son awkwardly hugged each other.

Whatever Ianto had told his father about him, Jack knew he wasn't what Martin had expected-maybe someone younger, someone who wouldn't look him in the eye and shake his hand firmly. Martin was what Ianto would be in thirty years, Jack suspected: tall, spreading at the belly and jowl, hair still thick but shot with silver, eyes tired but keen. Martin took their coats and asked Ianto to make the coffee. He said, "I know you won't drink mine," to which Ianto shrugged and nodded, faintly smiling, and told Jack to make himself at home while they finished making breakfast.

Link: Tell My Mother Not To Worry

Claim: Torchwood: general series
Prompt: 39. Break-up
Title: Three Times Under
Author: orbythesea
Rating: Teen?
Length: medium
Brief summary: Not an fit for the "break-up" prompt but not a huge stretch, either. This story is a Sarah Jane Adventures crossover and has a Jack/Sarah pairing that works really well.

She wasn't prepared for him to call two years later as she tried desperately to meet her deadline.

"I just missed him," he tells her, voice a mixture of excitement and heartbreak. "That school that blew up, he was there--"

For a moment, she considers lying to him as he prattles on, telling her all the details of what's already been documented in neat black type in front of her. She doesn't want to share this with him; she doesn't want his voice in her ear. She wants merely to finish her story and give herself time to reflect. "Jack," she interrupts, finally. "I'm on a deadline. I know. I-- " She swallows, forcing the words from her throat. "I was there."

Link: Three Times Under

prompt: family, prompt: break-up, torchwood: general series

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