[LOG] [Thread] [Sawada Tsunayoshi, Giglionero Uni, Yamamoto Takeshi and Fuuta de la Stella] [Open]

Feb 26, 2009 23:59

WHO: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Giglionero Uni, Yamamoto Takeshi and Fuuta de la Stella
WHAT: The trio accidentally meet while shopping and one of them turns into an unsuspecting victim.
WHERE: Omotesando Hills? Maybe.....
WHEN: Sunday morning (1 March)
RATING: G (should be)

He wouldn't have come here again, not so soon, if not for the errand his mother had bestowed upon him. Sometimes, Fuuta thought it was strange how he lived thousands of miles away from his parents and still obeyed their every command. His mother had e-mailed him a list of designer goods she wanted him to purchase and ship back home, a request which Fuuta found to be a slight odd. After all, half of the things she listed were readily available, not to mention cheaper, in Italy - but then again, he supposed his mother took a fierce pride in purchasing everything she owned in Japan through him. Almost as if it was her own little way of snubbing the shops back home.

He glanced at the list for the tenth time as he walked through the main doors of the shopping complex. Unnecessary really, as he had already committed it to memory but Fuuta always felt a sense of uncertainty whenever it came to shopping for his mother. Perhaps it was the fact that he was buying something for someone else other than himself (but that wasn't strictly true, he shopped once in a while for friends and even Lambo) or perhaps it was because everything his mother ordered him to buy at this moment would cost him five months' salary.

If he wasn't his mother's son of course.

fuuta, uni, *log: on-going, *log: thread, sawada tsunayoshi

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