Log: Charm School Pair [Thread] [Fuuta, Uni] [Closed]

Feb 11, 2009 14:11

WHO: Fuuta de la Stella scarfyoutodeath, Uni Giglionero onlyluminous
WHAT: Two not!scheming strangers meet. A series of exercises in manners.
WHERE: A shopping complex near Namimori that may or may not be Omotesando Hills.
WARNING(s): Excruciating politeness and various attempts at (politely ( Read more... )

fuuta, uni, *log: complete, *log: thread, *log

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scarfyoutodeath February 12 2009, 10:02:28 UTC
"No, perhaps not," Fuuta conceded, putting back the blazer. Perhaps Uni hadn't noticed, but her colour suggestions gave him a good deal more to work on than she had thought. After all, if it was navy blue or black....there was an eighty-three percent chance that her recipient was fair, not dark. Maybe even blond. Possibly much older than she was.

In that case... "You should go somewhere else," suggested Fuuta, brown eyes making one clean sweep of the store. "I doubt there's anything here that would suit someone like him."


onlyluminous February 12 2009, 11:45:14 UTC
"Perhaps," Uni said, nodding in agreement. She paused mid-nod just in time to catch the look of horrified realization from sweeping over her face. He wasn't planning on accompanying her, was he? True, she had (somehow) managed to justify not backtracking from whatever uncharted direction this conversation was taking, but she was only now coming to grips with the fact that she was going to end up shopping with this young man. Who was not only a stranger -- who somehow mysteriously knew her name -- but also a Vongola employee.

Across the Rubicon, then, Uni, she sighed to herself. She had probably condemned herself to this the moment she had missed the opportunity to (very politely) take her leave, anyway. Which had been several minutes ago, a conversational exchange after he had said her name.

"The first floor might have some more shops?" she suggested.


scarfyoutodeath February 12 2009, 12:38:14 UTC
It was the tone of her voice that stopped Fuuta mid-step as he turned to head for the counter. He wasn't sure what to do next, he hadn't counted on accompanying her beyond this store but then, she must have misunderstood and assumed he would be stalking her wherever she went for the rest of the day. Fuuta sighed and straightened up, still holding the scarves in one hand. Might as well play the part properly...

"Sure," he answered, with a tone that suggested he was going to follow her wherever she went. He turned to the saleslady. "I'll come back for this another day," he said, passing her the scarves before turning to go. "Shall we then, Giglionero-san?"


onlyluminous February 12 2009, 16:06:21 UTC
How she had somehow managed to acquire a shopping companion when she had really just been planning to wander around the mall alone, Uni couldn't tell; but she smiled at Fuuta de la Stella as sweetly and politely as she could manage (which, all things considered, was very sweet and polite indeed) and accompanied him outside the store with the sort of easy grace that suggested she was used to meeting brown-haired strangers and going around shopping with them all the time. She did, however, take a moment to glance back at the saleslady and -- via a pantomime that consisted of the most miniscule nods and hand gestures -- indicate that the scarves -- yes, both -- were to be wrapped and handed to the dark-suited men who snapped to attention when she came into view ( ... )


scarfyoutodeath February 12 2009, 17:21:02 UTC
That following his lead wasn't the wisest thing to do (considering how he was still feeling his way around Namimori) was on the tip of Fuuta's tongue before he bit it back. Instead, he smiled at her, looking every inch the amiable, friendly boy secretary. "Let's see if Dolce & Gabbana is more suited to your friend's taste."

He knew better than to offer her his arm so he led the way as best as he could to the D&G store on the first floor, without walking too far ahead of her or too closely for her liking. There wasn't much he could tell simply from looking at Giglionero Uni, but as he watched her out of the corner of his eye, he found that he did like the way she carried herself very much, for someone with such a small frame. She didn't strut or hurry, and moved with a youthful elegance that suggested she had never known anyone else's time - and Fuuta slowly realised that he was being forced to match her pace.

"Is this a birthday present?" he asked suddenly with great interest.


onlyluminous February 12 2009, 17:29:10 UTC
She wasn't quite sure what he would have liked to imply just then, but Uni decided it would be simpler to let it pass and dissect everything after the fact. That was something she was better at, after all, than saying no. Uni had abysmal success when it came to refusing anything, be it an implied invitation or a strange, out-of-the-blue offer of help.

She blinked at the question. "No," she answered reluctantly, wishing (yet again) that she was not such a bad liar she no longer even tried not to tell the truth. "Just an ordinary present." And then, realising that it was hardly fair to give away a piece of information without managing to find one in return, she asked, "Why do you ask? That is," and she followed with the kind of hasty, graceful apology she had perfected, "I'm sorry, it is certainly not in my place to pry."


scarfyoutodeath February 12 2009, 17:34:19 UTC
It was a pretty act, and Fuuta had to blink just then to cover up the half-smile that flittered across his face for a second. He had to admit, he'd never encountered a conversationalist quite like Uni, apart from some of his law lecturers back when he was still studying. She gave as much as she took, while managing to look like a porcelain doll the entire time.

Fuuta let his mouth twist into a thoughtful little pout. "Oh, it's nothing," he assured her, keeping his eyes on the Dolce & Gabbana store coming nearer and nearer with every second. "I only wondered, so as to gauge how much you should spend."


onlyluminous February 12 2009, 19:27:15 UTC

A few moments worth of consideration, and then Uni - with the same impulsiveness that compelled her to slip out of her office at the oddest hours and drive security to distraction - decided his reaction, whatever it was, would be worth the exchange in information.

"It doesn't really matter how much I spend," she murmured, looking distractedly at a display of white and gray dresses and organza wrap jackets in a window. "So long as it's the right gift." A pause, spanning the exact length of time it was considered polite to wait before casually changing topics. "What about Fuuta-san, are you looking for anything in particular right now?"


scarfyoutodeath February 13 2009, 04:49:12 UTC
"A scarf," the boy replied automatically, coming to a stop at the entrance of Dolce & Gabbana. It didn't matter if he already had one, or two - or twenty - he quite liked having a wide selection to choose from, even if the season for thick, warm scarves was coming to an end. Fuuta was thinking of investing in a small collection of handkerchief scarves for the warmer season, just in case. "But it's not a matter of great urgency." He inclined his head slightly towards the shop entrance. "After you, Giglionero-san."


onlyluminous February 16 2009, 14:48:13 UTC
"Nothing for the awards night, then?" Uni murmured, innocent curiosity written all over her face. "Ah-- I'm sorry to presume. Fuuta-san might possibly have prepared for it days in advance."

She herself, to be honest, was keeping an eye out for things that she might use that coming night. But Uni Giglionero did not do last-minute shopping or panic buying. This was...making sure she had everything she needed. Uni smiled at the uniformed man who opened the door for her and entered the shop.


scarfyoutodeath February 16 2009, 15:05:53 UTC
The way she just...asked a question and slipped away before he could answer - Fuuta was left wondering if he was meant to follow her in order to ensure she heard his reply properly, or whether to take it as a sign that she had tired of his company. Just like before, he made up his mind in a splitsecond and moved forwards to the entrance of Dolce & Gabbana, holding up a hand to let the doorman know he was coming in as well.

"To be honest, Giglionero-san," he murmured as soon as he was close enough, "I had quite forgotten about Awards Night."


onlyluminous February 16 2009, 15:11:48 UTC
Hmm. He was good. Or maybe she was reading too much into it. Still, he was certainly quicker on his feet than she had expected, which said much about his character and even more about her expectations. Uni wondered if all Vongola employees were like this. Or was he part of the upper management? It was not like they shirked from hiring very young executives.

(She should have memorised the structure as well, she chided herself. Not just a list of managerial staff's names.)

Uni let herself laugh a little, a sort of cross between a girlish giggle and the laughter shared by friends -- or co-conspirators -- and waited for him to catch up. "I suppose I'll see Fuuta-san there, then," she said, off-hand.


scarfyoutodeath February 16 2009, 15:13:54 UTC
"I suppose." Fuuta waited until they reached the middle of the store before steering Uni as best as he could towards a display of formal shirts, without touching her arm. "It's not usual for such a significant event to slip my mind," he admitted, wondering if Lambo remembered since he didn't and enduring a brief moment of panic - what if Lambo didn't? Perhaps he should look and see if there was anything here he could pick up for Lambo's wardrobe, even if it wasn't within his job description to do so.

He was so distracted by this train of thought that he only fully registered Uni's reply a minute later. "So you will be there for sure, Giglionero-san?"


onlyluminous February 16 2009, 15:14:53 UTC
She noticed the break in his concentration, but chose not to comment on it. Perhaps he was worried about the evening? Which was not to say that she wasn't, but Uni was not about to betray any of that to someone she had just met. (Or, for that matter, to anyone.)

"Mm, yes, of course," Uni said, eyes turning from his face to take in the array of fabric before her. "I don't think I could not attend." She ran her hand over the shoulder of a dress shirt, noting how the texture of the dark gray moire felt under her fingertips.


scarfyoutodeath February 16 2009, 15:16:46 UTC
He forced himself to concentrate again on the conversation, and reached for the shirt with the least flamboyant pattern he could see - plain white with a tiny detail of pale stripes running down the torso vertically. A rarity for Dolce & Gabbana, Fuuta thought, though he knew very little about the brand. He'd never seen its appeal, unlike some of his friends.

"How about this?" he asked, holding up the shirt for Uni to see. If anyone wore a jacket over it, the stripes would be barely visible.


onlyluminous February 16 2009, 15:18:53 UTC
"Too..." White, she was about to say, but caught herself just before the beginning syllable slipped off the tip of her tongue. Gamma had never been one for white before the merger; after it, Uni hadn't dared find out. White was Byakuran-sama's color. No other could wear it with the same effect -- the same effortless grace -- with which he bore its unstained perfection. "Too light, I'm afraid," Uni amended.

She pulled an ensemble from the rack: a strong, dark geometric pattern over crisp, light blue. "If De la Stella-san wouldn't mind..."


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