Log: Charm School Pair [Thread] [Fuuta, Uni] [Closed]

Feb 11, 2009 14:11

WHO: Fuuta de la Stella scarfyoutodeath, Uni Giglionero onlyluminous
WHAT: Two not!scheming strangers meet. A series of exercises in manners.
WHERE: A shopping complex near Namimori that may or may not be Omotesando Hills.
WARNING(s): Excruciating politeness and various attempts at (politely, courteously, and sweetly) extracting information from a stranger.

Morning had barely begun to touch the highest branches of the trees lining Omotesando Avenue when Uni stepped out of the hotel she now called her home, a heavy coat wrapped around her shoulders and a shawl draped casually around her neck. A few steps behind her trailed a knot of bodyguards: three this morning, and they did not look too happy to be up and about so early in the day. When Uni ignored the car waiting for her by the curb and instead continued on the sidewalk route that would take her to Omotesando Hills, she heard a series of barely suppressed groans and hid a smile. The exercise would be good for them.

Sipping her tea in a nearby cafe as she waited for the shops to open, Uni let her eyes wander idly over the people passing just outside as she planned the rest of her day. She didn't often go shopping for clothes -- it was much more convenient to simply ask some designers to come visit her in her apartment, then execute custom designs according to what she needed -- but it was still interesting to go out once in a while. If anything, watching people yielded hours upon hours of amusement.

It occurred to her in between sips of Darjeeling that it would also be a good idea to get something for Gamma while she was shopping. Not for a special occasion, since there was none, but for the simple joy of giving. And catching him off-guard. There was that too. Uni derived endless enjoyment from keeping Gamma on his toes.

She finished her tea, set the cup down, and stood. Exiting the cafe secure in the knowledge that one of the men who trailed her would deal with the bill (hers and theirs), Uni briefly considered slipping into the shopping complex ahead of her bodyguards and trying to lose them in the maze of shops. Then again...

Maybe she could save it for later. The day was still young, and there were many other things that could be done. Considering how she buried herself in work, the few weekends she spent not working, she could hardly be blamed if she occupied herself with playing games, could she? Even if they were mostly experiments in seeing who was the most long-suffering among her staff.

Uni smiled to herself again, then glanced once at her bodyguards, shrugged her coat off, and lost herself in the crowd of shoppers.

fuuta, uni, *log: complete, *log: thread, *log

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