[Thread][Xanxus, Squalo, Belphegor][CLOSED]

Jan 24, 2009 10:39

WHO: Xanxus, Squalo, Belphegor
WHAT: The Varia is going to the dogs. Buy. Them. I mean. Er.
WHERE: Wherever Boss takes them
WHEN: Saturday, Jan. 24th, Morning
RATING: PG-15 to be safe
WARNING(s): Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Bel was driving. The last time he drove a car was a couple of years back. Long story short, he got drunk and drove, and hasn't driven a car since. Mostly as a precaution.

At 8:30AM sharp, he picked Squalo up from his apartment. Now, the two of them were on the way to Xanxus' house to pick him up. Xanxus had wanted to go pet shopping. Well, not exactly for pets, but for guard dogs to keep the angry mob of housewives at least across the street and far away from the entrance to the Varia building. They were getting a little too annoying.

"Stupid traffic," Belphegor muttered as he turned the corner, finally getting away from the congested intersection. It was five minutes to nine, and he had five minutes to get to Xanxus' place. Although, his boss did say to be there at 10, Bel said he'd get there at 9. "Make sure you got your seatbelt on, Sharkie," Bel said grinning wide. He then stepped on the accelerator and sped down the road. What would have been a ten, fifteen minute travel was cut down in half. And Bel was lucky he didn't get caught for speeding.

squalo, belphegor, *log: incomplete, xanxus, *log: on-going, *log

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