It's been a long time since I've written about anything that doesn't have anything to do with screencaps. Heh! Oops. Ah, you guys know me. I'm not one for spouting off too much pointless garbage. Y'know? I don't want anyone to read a pointless entry or anything
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1. Holy crap, even ROB couldn't rip him a new one? Wow. Sounds like Dad. And the medicine... that ass. That absolute ass. Have you lodged a complaint against him? You should. I hate asshole doctors. No bedside manner at all.
2. What magazine? =3 Interested in seeing your aaaaarticle~.
3. I COMPLETELY understand the job thing. *growls* Two years of unemployment til I got a job at $7.55/hr... and I only got that because I have "connections." IE, the guy hiring likes me. And he likes me enough that I started out at the wage block for people who have been doing the job for six months, rather than the beginner's wage (somewhere around $7.25). Grr. At least I'm liking the job so far, even if my feet ache from constant standing. ;-;
4. What's going on in Eaton and Delphi?
Though I have sexcellent credentials!
Though I AM getting flirtatious old men putting the moves on me as I fetch their Viagra medications. (Seriously, though, I haven't seen Viagra go out of the pharmacy yet... Stating that for privacy things in case Savon goes on a witchhunt.)
Honestly I think it could be worse than flirtious old men, they can be mildly amusing, flirtious little boys on the otherhand are just annoying =x
I work for a Michigan magazine called Interlude. Rather, I write for them - I am a freelance writer, and that's about it, unfortunately. It doesn't pay very well, I'm afraid. Not enough to pay my bills, which is why I'm emoing. I 'spose. ^^ Depressing, huh? Anyway, I'm not going to be sharing my articles any time soon; sorry! XD I'm a little ashamed of the first one I wrote. Actually, I'm surprised the Editor contacted me with a second job; I thought for sure they'd think I was a terrible writer after that piece of crap. *cough* Good to hear about your job, though. =3 I'm glad for you ( ... )
lowering the hourly wages for factory workers from $31/hour to $14/hour
Anyway, yeah. Gragh. There goes a whole SHITLOAD of Michigan's workforce, I can tell you this much. That's going to cause the workers to either find another job, or have their spouses find another job, which will NOT settle well with Michigan's economy at all. Hell, we have no jobs. At all. Unemployment is at a record high... etc. On the bright side, daycare/babysitter businesses will be rolling in the dough. =\
I WILL find your srticles somehow. I WILL.
No you won't! XD They're uninteresting pieces of junk, anyway. For example, the last article I did was on a soup kitchen. Madam Editor just contacted me with another job writing about a "Unique way to learn in Saginaw", whatever that means. She was oh-so-very cryptic about the whole thing.
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