I speak!

Nov 04, 2005 15:03

It's been a long time since I've written about anything that doesn't have anything to do with screencaps. Heh! Oops. Ah, you guys know me. I'm not one for spouting off too much pointless garbage. Y'know? I don't want anyone to read a pointless entry or anything!

Let's see... Recent happenings. Well, last night I went to see the doctor about an ear infection I have. Sucks. I acutally had to go to the hospital, since Rob's family doc isn't accepting any new applicants for his type of insurance, and I can't find our card. Really weird, since I coulda sworn I just found it. Anyway, the doctor I saw was a complete jackass. He asked me how long I'd had the ache, I said since about Friday.
Doc: Have you taken any meds?
Me: No.
Doc: (Proceeds to bitch me out - HIGHLY uncalled for. And when I say bitching, I mean bitching.)
Basically, if I didn't want to take the pain meds, I don't need them. Hey, let's give a biased diagnosis and not even ask the patient how much pain she's in! The guy ranted, and ranted. To give you an idea of how bad that is, even The Rob couldn't get a word in edgewise. So I went home with a script for antibiotics, no pain meds. Dude. It's an earache that has been keeping me up for the past five days. Hmm. Well, at least Rob gave me some of his meds. Most pain meds don't even work on me.

Still in a bit of pain now, but nothing too horrible. I did wake up in the middle of the night, though, thinking that I'd lain on one of the drywall nails we have hanging about the room (um... long story?). It was bad.

ENOUGH EMO-WANGSTY WHINING! Christ, I can't stand that shit.

The magazine contacted me again the day before yesterday. They want me to do another article for them. GREAT, PAY ME FOR THE OTHER ONE FIRST PLZ! Gragh.
Speaking of which, I've been given a new assignment around the house: I am the official maid! Well... granted, I only get $20 a week plus gas money for shuttling the kids around at a whim, but it's better than nothing. No one is hiring. The job situation in Michigan really is horrible... It must be when you've got sixty-year-old ladies working at McDonalds. That's just uncool. Plus with all that's happening with Eaton and Delphi, things are really going down the shitter.

AGH! There I went again! That stuff is DEPRESSING!
...But then again, it's all I have to talk about! Gragh!

...I want to start writing Wits again, but I just can't settle on character designs for Reb... Meh. Oh! I also have some random sketches laying around in my NEW STYLE YEY! I love it. I'll post some sketches later, including the "Hammer Man". Mehehe. I love that guy. I drew him at nationals this summer... but that's another story entirely!

Moving on, who would be interested in Cardcaptor Sakura screencaps? I've noticed a real lack of 'em on the web, and I might be able to get my hands on some raw episodes. Might. I think I saw 'em floating around... erh, somewhere. Well, at worst, I'd just cap a subbed version and cut out the subtitles. Nothing wrong there, right?! Heh. Oh, and I made a new icon. YOU LIKE?!

Oh, and I'm actually going to make myself a layout soon. =D Yaaaaay! I need one.
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