May 19, 2009 20:49
Doing everything and nothing all at the same time.
Finally summer in Minnesota. I injured my shoulder prolly carrying heavy backpack across town on a bike. Neuropathic pain sucks. Prevents biking and running.
I talked at Southwest high school about health care and south america and following yr iconoclastic spirit. Did you know they get windows? That actually open? In their classroom?
The EF! roadshow in town. Didn't go. Wonder if maybe the point of some radical organizations is to keep a few dozen kids off the streets of Minneapolis for a few hours a couple of times a week. We can walk safely knowing tonight those pesky anarchists are in a consensus workshop about direct action. Yes sirree. Have v mixed feelings about Mpls. Yey boo yey. It'd be a good containment strategy to have really cool fliers for sexxxy sounding projects that would require lengthy frequent meetings to process complex decisions.
Been talking to a bunch of folks about organzing long term, projects & strategies. Some people say they feel politically isolated if they aren't friends with a certain crew or look a certain style. Is organizing in Mpls vanguardist? Friendship based? I know a lot of people who move here thinking that its a supportive radical scene, and don't find that to be the case. On the otherhand, its totally understandable why people trust their friends and compadres who've been through similar experiences.
Talked w/ animal rights activists, who asked me what my ideal organizing would look like, then. My vision is that people at the table include those who are old, families, of color, poor, immigrants. If there aren't reflective demographics both in the base and in the core crew, I'd examine the organizing strategy, goals, and tactics. And get skills (teaching, fixing things, building things, healing things, farming). And spend a lot more time volunteering with POC led organizations on issues and agendas set by not people who look and think like me.
Considering starting a patient initated small grant improvement project at the hospital. Need to look at models and see whats been done already.
Want to talk with people who used to do radical organizing with affinity group model, then started long term community based projects. How to find meaning without an explicitly radical context to organizing?
Realize that road trip to LA would be an opportune time to go underground. I could just say that I was in the midst of starting residency accross the country. I'd have weeks before any realized that I actually was vacationing in Cuba. Course now I ruined it.