It's not like you are from the backwoods of Kentucky. Aurora is a suburb of Chicago, is it not? I'm sure it's more forward thinking than many other places in the USA.
it's a suburb of chicago, but strangely a very conservative one. a planned parenthood opened there about six months ago and you'd have thought it was the apocalypse. when i went home last october there were signs EVERYWHERE in people's yards that said "PLANNED PARENTHOOD IS BAD FOR AURORA."
I just read it is the FIRST high school production ever of Rent. Also read, "A high school version was developed and we were the first high school to apply for the license,” said teacher Kerry Proczko, the musical business director.
Makes me think a lot of stuff was probably removed to make it high school friendly.
Makes me think a lot of stuff was probably removed to make it high school friendly.
In Spring 2008, West Aurora will be the fifth High School in the Nation to perform RENT.
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