I’m finding it really difficult to find anything to say about Douz that’s not just incoherent babbling. I’m incapable of describing my love for this episode. I tried to make notes when I was listening to it but I was so busy reciting every line of it that I didn’t get much down. The following is based on what I could make out of my scribblings.
- Can you actually run a car on aviation fuel? I mean, I have no idea. I should probably look these things up rather than just blindly trusting everything John Finnemore tells me.
- Scottish national cricket team! Excuse me while I have a moment of unnecessary patriotic pride.
- Okay, so we can’t go backwards or sideways. / Explain to me how we were planning to go sideways. That line always cracks me up for some reason.
- Um, well, more beer. They were very clear about that. Look, to make sure I remembered they wrote it on... me. This one too.
- And then comes ALL THE CAROLYN FEELS. She’s almost broke but she keeps MJN going because she refuses to give in and be just a little old lady. I love her. I want to be her when I grow up.
- Also, she mentions that her divorce was eight years ago, which means Arthur must have been in his late teens when they split up (depending on how long they dragged it out for). Makes me wonder if it was a “for the sake of the kids” sort of thing. And now I’m wondering what that was like for Arthur. Was he blissfully unaware of their problems and shocked by the split or did he always know that they were just staying in an unhappy marriage because of him? OK, I need to stop now because I’m upsetting myself.
- Oh, Douglas sounds so excited by the prospect of setting fire to the office. I almost wish she’d let him do it.
- Right, one of the reasons I love Douz so much is that it’s the first time we see the four of them coming together to solve a problem. In the previous episodes they’ve been trying to get one over on each other but now they’re a team. Douglas suggests moving the fire engine, Martin suggests taking the petrol, Arthur suggests driving instead of flying. They’re working together against a common enemy and it’s lovely.
- Do you want me to drive for a bit, darling? / No thanks, dear. You know I get carsick in the passenger seat. You two need to stop.
- Tipsy, excited Arthur is adorable. Well, he’s always adorable but he’s especially adorable when he’s drunk.
- In your quest to find the one image which perfectly sums up MJN Air and everything it stands for, you’ve elected for a shot of twelve Scottish cricketers in the Sahara Desert wearing swimsuits and carrying a fire engine... The awful thing is, I sort of know what you mean. Best line. No contest.
[Originally posted