Jan 25, 2010 00:19
Later today I will be up at the crack of dawn to take my Siamese, Baby, to the vet for a blood test. The vet suspects kidney failure from the office visit she had on Saturday. Baby will be 14 years old this July, which is a good ripe old age for a cat.
There's things I will be able to do to make her more comfortable for some time. The vet mentioned a special diet and possibly subcutaneous fluids. However, the condition is inevitably fatal. The opinion seems to be that it isn't painful, but will result eventually in coma and death. In a more morbid period this weekend, I actually looked up the possibility of cremation, and the diagnosis isn't even definite yet!
I am trying to hope for the best, but she does have many of the symptoms. The sour breath is almost a dead-giveaway, along with the dehydration, weight loss, and legarthy. She's not been eating well. I thought it was her teeth because she appears to drink and relieve herself just fine, but...
She's been a very good kitty and companion. Even if it's not kidney failure, it will be something else soon considering her age. I guess I need to face that.