Oh! Gravity

Jan 17, 2007 22:40


Ok, it's time for my Oh! Gravity review. It came out on Christmas day (aka: it was pre-ordered for my little self on Christmas day) and was one of the best Christmas presents a kid like me could get. I've debated weather or not to make the statement I'm about to make for a while, but I realized a few things tonight that clinched it for me, so here we go, into the big wide internet:

Oh! Gravity is sporting Jon's best lyrics yet.

There! It's down in "ink" and is just as true as it was before I typed it out. I haven't even begun to unravel the meaning within all of Oh! Gravity's songs, but what I've found with the little digging I was able to do (and steal from others) has left me with shivers going up and down my spine.

"Love is not a silk flower - always bright, with artificially whitened teeth and a fake tan. No, love is a fight. Love is what happens when you’ve been hurt and you want to quit. Love is what happens when you decide not to. Love is not the beginning of the story but the ending. Perhaps the thirty-minute sitcom has done a disservice to the sheer magnitude of what love is."

That quote was from Jon, talking about his song, "Head Over Heels" And gosh, that's only the beginning. Right now my favorite songs are: "Let your Love be Strong" "Circles" "Awakening" "Yesterdays" "Head Over Heels" and "American Dream" However, some of the songs with the best lyrics are not even just listed. The song: Oh! Gravity was really hard for me to "decifer" but I had some help from The Switchfoot Weblog and it blew my mind. One of my favorite realizations about that song was his use of the word, "Color Bar" You know: "There's a fracture, in the color bar" I didn't know he was talking about racism there, and I love that. That and when he sings about the "red bite" in the verse:

"In the back room of the Pentagon
There’s a thin man with a line drawn
With a red jaw and a red bite
Watch the headline on the next night"

He's talking about the terrorist and says, "Why this tragedy? Why can't we seem to keep it together? ...We're connected."

Ok, one more, and possibly my favorite one, let me know if you've heard this. 4:12? You know how the song is exactly 4:12 and since it's the title of the track, you sort of wonder about the significance of the numbers? Well, it only mentions 4:12 in the song ONE time. BUT, it does repeat this one line: "souls aren't made of stones, sticks and bones" EIGHT times. That line reffers to us being MORE than what is material (sort of the theme of the song). Anyway, if you look in the bible for the words souls, bones and spirit, you will be pointed to this famous verse.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow [the body], and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

It's an AWESOME verse, but the REFFERENCE is Hebrews 4:12. Yeah, tell me that's far out but I SO THINK that's what 4:12 was taken from. Can you really put it beyond Switchfoot? That was also taken from the Switchfoot weblog.

I'm gunna leave you with that. If you don't have Oh! Gravity, please, please, please buy it or beg it off your best friend, because it's a must have, and when you get it, PLEASE dig around in the lyrics, because it's ripping Switchfoot off if you don't look at the heart of who they are, which is found right in their lyrics.


Wow, sorry, one of my favorite parts and it just came on. Oh! Speaking of favorites, EVERYONE needs to own 'c'mon c'mon'. It might be my favorite song that came out of "Oh! Gravity" with lyrics that break my lil' heart.

Ok, time for some of my favorite lyrics to close us off...and maybe a pic, if I'm feeling generous.

"And you began to believe that all we are is material
It's nonsensical "

My baby and me
We're missing the same stuff
We've all got a disease
Deficiency of love

And talk has always been the cheapest thing
Is it true would you do what I want you to
If I show up with the right amount of bling? <--- Did anyone else think it hysterical that Jon said Bling??

Like a puppet on a monetary string
Maybe we've been caught singing
Red, white, blue, and green

Yeah, she's a freedom fighter
She's a stand up kind of girl
She's out to start a fire
In a bar code plastic world 
(I know this isn't O!G, but I just wanted to give it some attention, because it really surprised me when I first heard it..I didn't think lyircs could be that good."

I want to wake up kicking and screaming
I want a know heart is still beating,
It's beating, I'm bleeding.

You've been living life like it's a sequel
and your already bored with the plot

Let these songs awaken the dawn
Let us beathe every breath
like a breath to be kept
Let us breathe it all in till it's gone

With an army of me
We invent our own enemies
Man verses machine

Don't that there's nothing this true
Don't believe in this modern machine
The modern machine 
(for you summit kids, that's TOTALLY a jab at postmodernism)

I watched heaven dying today
and I'm gonna die here tonight
I'm the villian and I deserve to be dead
I've been hung up for recking my life
Revenge [2x]


So I stopped for a moment
to look at the sun
dying today
That's when the irony hit me
That this was revenge
That love had decended and stolen our pain

We consumed heaven's Son
And I drew first blood [2x]
And my hate was undone
And I drew first blood [2x]

(Is that just me, or did that just sound like the death of the Son of God all told just above?)

In all these battles that I've fought
You're the mark I'm aiming for

Too tired for a picture, but I do want to say, that that For or Against post I made a while ago got the most comments I've ever gotten...period. What I mean to say is, I'm proud of my lil' LJ friend's 'cause they know what they believe in. Heck yes, so keep it up.


PS I'm trying to put the quotes under a cut but something funny is going on...*looks arond* I hope it does it.




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