Apr 05, 2010 04:25
For the love of all things right, just, holy and awesome say this is some god-awful late April Fools joke.
We were close, so damn close, to a full on series. A SOLO SERIES!
J H Williams II was on board and everything.
My dreams of a Kate Kane Batwoman solo series are destroyed and have been scattered across a dirty sidewalk like a hobo's empty scotch bottle.
Fuck me, DC Comics, just fuck me in every orrafice. I don't care what Rucka wants GIVE IT TO HIM!!!
First Chuck Dixon and now Greg Rucka?!
Who the HELL else do you have left? Stop being such a dick, Dan Didio! Geoff Johns, Paul Dini and or Grant Morrison can't write every damn book!
Besides, Gail Simone has already commented that she would not replace him.
If anyone ANYONE could have picked up the charecters Kate Kane and Renee Montoya and done as well with them as Rucka it would be Gail Simone.
Rucka has written Renee Montoya/ The Question II and Kate Kane/Batwoman through all of their defining story arcs.
I'm not trying to play the gay card here, but as a lesbian I am protective of both of these charecters because they are my people!
If Greg can't/won't write them anymore...ugh I don't know.
It's not even about lesbians, really, comics have a fun way of screwing up strong female leads.
Please, please, please Comic Gods, if not Greg then let Gail Simone take Batwoman under her feminist wing and write her as she needs to be written.
Barbara Gordon
Dinah Lance
Helena Bertenelli
Scandal Savage
Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman
Five of the strongest, most well defined women in the DC Universe have all been taken to a new and incredible level during their time in Gail's hands.
I am NOT happy, but DC has a chance to make a critical save.
C'mon editing team, don't screw this one up. I know the current Batman focus is on The Return of Bruce Wayne, which I have on my subscription list, but just because the REAL Batman is coming back, that doesn't mean that Batwoman doesn't have a place in Gotham!
This news is just in from WonderCon, so I have HIGH hopes that DC has some sort of plan in place. A plan that keeps a well written Kate Kane and Renee Montoya in continuality.
I will still read Rucka's work, because I heart his style, but am supremly upset by this turn of events.
You can't hear it, but my nerd heart is breaking.
PS: No, Jordan, you weren't supposed to read this. Look away from the comic dorkdom!
gail simone,
greg rucka,
dc comics