Mar 08, 2011 01:25
So Saturday was my 25th birthday....ugh I'm old.
My celebration actually started a few days before hand when Brian took me to Chattanooga for shopping and dinner at Red Robin (yum!) then we wandered around the mall. He bought me Batman and Robin Volume 2 which had the Blackest Night arc in it...which means BATWOMAN! There really wasn't enough Batwoman for me, but it was a good story. We also got shoes (SALE!) Then we went to McKays. I heart McKays.
Fast forward to Friday and I walked out to the parking lot at work after a God-awful long shift and there was my girlfriend, waiting on me. Freaking awesome. It turned my whole mood around. We hung around and watched Easy A which at first didn't seem like my kind of movie, but I really liked it. Then we went to Monterays, a local Mexican resturant. Which would have been awesome but Brian and two co-workers freaking conspired with the wait-staff to publicly embaress me. I had to wear a sombrero and be sung to...badly. Yay? The good news was that I got my gift from Jordan and it was AWESOME! She got me a bag full to bursting with great things! Crayons and Batman coloring books and a magnet set with Bats, Supes, Wonder Woman, Flash (I'm still not sure if it's Wally or Barry...all the costumes look Pre Infinite Crisis so I'm guessing Wally) and Kyle Rayner GL. Wonder Woman lanyard (Now I'm the coolest kid at work though technically I'm not supposed to wear it per regs) and A WONDER WOMAN SNUGGY! There were several other things SEVERAL THINGS!
Saturday dawned rainy. We went to Cleveland and met Jenn for brekfast at Panera bread. (SO GOOD!) Jenn got me two movies (WITH ANNE HATHAWAY!) Then we headed to the Nooga...and I got lost...three times. We eventually got to the IMAX (never been there before) We watched this 3D movie about the Hubble. As I am a giant nerd it was positivly fascinating. As I am a juvenille delinquint at heart I kicked the 3D Astronaut in the nuts. We also went to the Tennessee Aquarium ( Haven't been there in YEARS) We saw a turtle and an angry black man (yay rampant homophobia) and also butterflies! I saw several sting rays and yelled "YOU KILLED STEVE IRWIN!" at them. I know THEY didn't do it, but they're kind did. If Christians can blame all Jews for killing Jesus, I can blame all sting rays for killing the Crocodile Hunter. See? That logic holds water.
Jordan's somewhat into the idea of having children one day so she had a field day looking at kids. I often make children cry. NOT ON PURPOSE! It just happens. Did I mention it was rainging? Oh good because it wasn't. It was frickin monsoon season in Chattanooga. This is me we're talking about me so no, I did not have an umbrella...oh we were also wearing flip-flops. So yeah.
For dinner I picked the Vaudville Cafe, which is a murder-mystery dinner. I liked the Vaudville, but one of the actors (possibly more) was homophobic. It didn't ruin the night, but it was annoying. You would think actors would be more open minded. We went to McKays (of course)
and then home for wine and a movie. We watched Bound (yeah we're gay as hell)
Sunday...well what can I say? I took Jordan home to meet my Mom and part of my family. It's the breakfast thing, and I think everyone was nervous. Except of course for my cousins who had food in front of them... oh and my step-dad and uncle decided to be all sorts of racist for no apparent reason other then they're um...racist.
So all in all it was an AWESOME birthday. I even got a sugar free birthday cake from Mom.
Jordan stood up to the chaos of my family...well part of my family at least. Klingnon Jesus only knows what will happen when the whole clan (haha clan) is present and accounted for...I think she deserves some sort of award or a medal or something. I love her, and my family is wicked scary at times. Jordan has really been great and super supportive and I don't know what I would have done without her here lately.
Well, I think I'm just about done...for now. I get to see her tommorow!